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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Did you hear of Holistic Healing


These don�t necessarily fall into the category of life threatening or imminent dangers, but they certainly can affect your quality of life, as well as your appearance, which is held in high regard in today�s aesthetically concerned society. These additional health and well being benefits to smoking cessation are as follows :
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Spirulina - Premium Spirulina Powder.

Water- What Are We Really Drinking?
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Spirulina - Premium Spirulina Powder.

Spinach Powder

Crohn�s is a fickle disease. It is important that you take an aggressive approach to finding ways to structure your diet so that it does not increase the chances of having flare ups.

Eating healthily, exercising, and working to remain stress-free are the best ways to go. Remember, you are what you eat � a statement that is even more important when dealing with Crohn�s Disease.
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Spinach Powder

Holistic HealingThe Yogi Diet - an Introduction

'We are what we eat' - this is a well known saying that is literally true. Food is necessary for our physical well being, and the purer the food - the purer and healthier the body. But this also works for the mind too - a diet of pure food creates purer thoughts resulting in a purer mind.

If ever there was a time I was reminded of neglecting my yoga practise, it is when I came to the mat after many days abstinence and could barley touch my toes! This has certainly been the case in my past experience, - until I began seriously eating a diet of pure, raw and natural foods. I came to do my practise after a week of feeling unwell - and a time of eating 100% raw fruits and vegetables - and where I would have usually felt stiff - I was surprisingly bendy. This was my proof, and my moment of 'ah I see!' surrounding the relevance and importance of the Yogi diet.

A pure and natural diet - 'Sattvic' - is one of fresh fruits, vegetables and some grains. Energy - 'Prana' - runs through all living things - to eat a piece of food that is 'alive' will nourish your body and mind and be highly beneficial in Yoga. Foods should be eaten in their pure and natural state - alot of which should be raw.

The elements of sun, water, air and earth (soil) work together in order to create our food here on earth - fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, plants. They are charged with the energy of the sun - and by eating them in their raw and untampered state, we gain their maximum goodness.

The 3 Gunas

The 3 Gunas are the 3 qualities of the energy of the unmanifested universe - and apply to every living thing, including foods. Sattva (purity), Rajas (activity, passion, change), Tamas (darkness). When energy actually takes on form then one of these energies becomes predominant (although the others are always present). A good example is the fruit on an apple tree - the ripe fruit is sattvic, the ripening fruit is rajasic, and the overripe is tamasic. It is only in enlightenment - 'Samadhi' - that the Gunas are completely transcended.

Sattvic Food - This is the purest of foods - and the perfect Yogi Diet to follow. It is nourishing to the body and mind, resulting in a peacefeul state. A sattvic diet will lead to pure, true health. Sattvic foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, wholegrains, legumes, sprouts, milk, butter and cheese, honey and herbal teas. (all should be organic and NOT tinned or frozen)

Rajasic Food - These foods are hot, bitter, sour, dry or salty. Too much of these foods will over stimulate the body, exciting the passions - resulting in one feeling restless and uncomfortable. Rajasic foods include strong and hot herbs and spices, stimulants such as tea and coffee, fish, eggs and salt. To eat in a hurry is also considered to be Rajasic.

Tamasic Food - This diet will not give any benefit to the mind or the body. The energy - 'Prana' - is missing in these foods, the body's resistance to disease is destroyed, and dark emotions occur. Tamasic foods include meat, alcohol, tobacco, onions, garlic, stale and fermented foods. To overeat is also considered Tamasic.

Animal flesh contains a higher amount of protein than we actually need, and is also loaded with toxins and tends to cause disease - (it has been reported that 80% of food poisoning cases are caused by eating meat). We must ask ourselves if we can eat meat with a clear conscience - 'Ahimsa', the sanctity of all living creatures, is among the highest laws in yogic philosophy. This cannot be disreguarded if we are to grow spiritually. All life is sacred. Being fully 'concious' should apply to the food we eat too.

Many people worry that if they stop eating meat they will get a protein deficiency. Animal protein in fact contains too much uric acid which is very difficult for the liver to break this down - some is eliminated but the rest is deposited in the joints which causes stiffness. The less meat you eat - the less stiff your body will be. Good sources of protein are nuts, legumes (including soya) and dairy. Vegetarians eat around twice as much fibre as meat eaters, consume less fat, and get more fibre.

The choice of sattvic foods are vast and even the simplest of ingredients can be prepared in a multitude of different ways. To ensure a balanced diet - eat a regular combination of the food groups mentioned for a pure diet.

About the Author

Lorna Littlewing is the Webmaster of www.yogabhoga.co.uk, www.ompixels.com, and www.rawfoodhomepage.com.

Detox Center Employee Faces Client-Rape Charge - cbs4denver.com

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 04:40:00 GMT

Detox Center Employee Faces Client-Rape Charge
cbs4denver.com, CO - Apr 3, 2008
DENVER (CBS4) ― Aurora police have arrested a man who drove a van for Arapahoe House, a local detox center, and charged him with raping one of the center's ...

Detox Center Employee Faces Client-Rape Charge (CBS4 Denver)

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 04:12:49 GMT
Aurora police have arrested a man who drove a van for a local detox center and charged him with raping one of the center's clients in his work vehicle.

The Record for April 6 (The Steamboat Pilot & Today)

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 06:59:20 GMT
Sunday, April 6 12:05 a.m. Steamboat Springs police responded to a report of domestic violence. Officers contacted the man and woman involved, and settled the verbal dispute.

Nutrition discussion

NutritionEating Healthy on a Budget

It sounds difficult to eat healthily on a budget but it can be done providing you shop with care.

Start by making sure that you shop after you have eaten. Studies have shown that we spend less in the supermarket if we shop on a full stomach. Also make sure that you take a list to the supermarket and stick to that list.

Tips for eating healthy on a budget

  • Buy natural, unprocessed foods wherever possible. Supermarkets make their highest margins on processed foods. So keeping to natural foods, especially fruit and vegetables, will keep your costs down.

  • Be prepared to trim meat rather than buy meat that has already been trimmed.

  • Be prepared to wash your vegetables. Buying potatoes and other root vegetables with some soil on them is usually a lot cheaper than buying the ready washed items.

  • Make your own packed lunch rather than buying a sandwich at lunch time. This has two advantages: it's cheaper and it's normally healthier. You know exactly what's gone into your home made lunch and you're not paying someone else's wages to make up the sandwich.

  • Look out for inexpensive items in the frozen food department. Frozen food is often higher in nutrients than fresh food as it hasn't traveled far before being frozen. You can often pick up a bargain in the frozen food area of the supermarket.

  • Remember that canned food exists. Like frozen food, it's often easy to overlook canned food but nutritionally and price-wise it's normally good value.

  • Invest in a slow cooker. You can buy cheaper cuts of meat and still eat healthy on a budget by cooking food slowly. Just put everything in the slow cooker before you leave for work and you'll return home to a fantastic aroma as well as cheap, healthy food.

  • Check the ingredients first, but often times the store's own brand will be exactly the same as a brand name, except for the price.

  • Cut down on those shop-bought coffees! You can save several dollars simply by resisting the temptation to have that latte or cappuccino.

I'm sure that once you start, you'll come up with plenty more ideas for eating healthy on a budget. Good luck in your journey for food savings.

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Lets talk about Organic Lucuma Powder

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Organic Lucuma PowderAchieving Health and Wellness With Mangosteen

We are all trying to find ways to be healthier. Some people are deciding to exercise more, while others are watching what they eat. Either of these ways may work for some people but not for others. There is also a third group that is following both of these scenarios.

What if you were told you could drink your way to health and wellness using the Vemma (r) nutrition program. The Vemma (r) program combines the ingredients of the natural plant Mangosteen, with the benefits of aloe vera that is known to be healthy. However, health and wellness does not end there. The Vemma (r) nutrition program also includes antioxidant green tea to complete the whole formula. Using this formula it is now possible to drink yourself into health and wellness. This is an easy way to become healthier and to feel better as well.

However, if you have never heard of Mangosteen, you are probably wondering what it is? Mangosteen is a plant that is found in Asian countries. It is popular because it allows people to achieve a healthy body. The plant belongs to the tree family Garcina mangostana, and it has been found to have a high amount of substances called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are known by scientists for their ability to fight and prevent disease. Therefore, the plant will contain these phytochemicals to protect itself from any disease. However, the great thing is when humans consume these phytochemicals, they are protected as well.

Therefore, the chief function of the fruit of this tree shrub is to produce a state of health and wellness. If you are wondering what Mangosteen looks like, well it resembles a plum. It is around the size of a plum, with a purple outer skin. However, inside the fruit is a white pulp at its center. Both the outer skin and the pulp of Mangosteen contain the substances necessary to promote and achieve health and wellness.

About the Author:

Marsha Brown is the owner of http://AmazingProfitsFromHome.com & writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Marsha recommends you visit: http://www.myvemma.com/mdbrown54 or http://www.vemmabuilder.com/280328405

The Purple Corn Princess...

Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:34:00 EDT
... pint water 1 quart watermelon/mandarin juice 1tbsp paste: spirulina powder, maca powder, bee pollen, honey, water 3...

Organic superfruit ingredients debut in North America

Sun, 09 Mar 2008 20:13:35 EDT
Superfruits and their extracts have flooded onto global markets in recent years but few can claim organic status as do Navitas Natural’s ... Its new range presents five superfruits - mesquite, goji, yacon, lucuma, camu camu - in powder form at retail level and suggests they be mixed into drinks a...“All Navitas Naturals products are organic or ethically wild crafted,” Navitas said. ... Other Navitas products include maca (powder and capsules), cacao (beans, nibs, paste, butter, and powder),...

Chia Seed is a New Superfood 'Sprouting' From Navitas Naturals

Fri, 4 Apr 2008 00:00:00 CST
... organic power foods including Maca, Flax, Hemp, Cacao (beans, nibs, paste, butter, and powder), Goldenberries, Goji Berries, Mulberries, Acai, Lucuma, ...

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