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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Nutrition discussion

NutritionEating Healthy on a Budget

It sounds difficult to eat healthily on a budget but it can be done providing you shop with care.

Start by making sure that you shop after you have eaten. Studies have shown that we spend less in the supermarket if we shop on a full stomach. Also make sure that you take a list to the supermarket and stick to that list.

Tips for eating healthy on a budget

  • Buy natural, unprocessed foods wherever possible. Supermarkets make their highest margins on processed foods. So keeping to natural foods, especially fruit and vegetables, will keep your costs down.

  • Be prepared to trim meat rather than buy meat that has already been trimmed.

  • Be prepared to wash your vegetables. Buying potatoes and other root vegetables with some soil on them is usually a lot cheaper than buying the ready washed items.

  • Make your own packed lunch rather than buying a sandwich at lunch time. This has two advantages: it's cheaper and it's normally healthier. You know exactly what's gone into your home made lunch and you're not paying someone else's wages to make up the sandwich.

  • Look out for inexpensive items in the frozen food department. Frozen food is often higher in nutrients than fresh food as it hasn't traveled far before being frozen. You can often pick up a bargain in the frozen food area of the supermarket.

  • Remember that canned food exists. Like frozen food, it's often easy to overlook canned food but nutritionally and price-wise it's normally good value.

  • Invest in a slow cooker. You can buy cheaper cuts of meat and still eat healthy on a budget by cooking food slowly. Just put everything in the slow cooker before you leave for work and you'll return home to a fantastic aroma as well as cheap, healthy food.

  • Check the ingredients first, but often times the store's own brand will be exactly the same as a brand name, except for the price.

  • Cut down on those shop-bought coffees! You can save several dollars simply by resisting the temptation to have that latte or cappuccino.

I'm sure that once you start, you'll come up with plenty more ideas for eating healthy on a budget. Good luck in your journey for food savings.

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