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Friday, April 04, 2008

Health and Nutrition Info

Health and NutritionKeeping Your Baby Healthy? Watch What They Drink


Keeping Your Baby Healthy? Watch What They Drink

Submitted By: Robert Walsh

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends to wait at least six (6) months before introducing juice to your infant, and preferably one whole year.

When your baby is ready for juice, it is important that you only serve your child 100% juice, and not juice drinks that add a lot of sugar.

Start out serving your infant juice in a cup not a bottle. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting a serving of 4-6 ounces of 100% juice for ages two through six, and after that 8 to 12 ounces for children seven years and older.

Medical studies indicate that the popular clear juice choices for babies are apple, pear, and white grape juice. Sorbitol is a natural carbohydrate that is difficult for the body to absorb, particularly in the delicate systems of infants and toddlers. Of the three, white grape juice is sorbitol-free.

Fructose and glucose?two natural sugars found in juice are evenly balanced in white grape juice; they are not in the apple and pear juice. Most research suggests that infants and toddlers have an easier time absorbing juice that has an even balance of natural sugars and is sorbitol-free.

When young stomachs are unable to absorb carbohydrates like sorbitol or excess fructose, a number of symptoms may present themselves, including gas, bloating, difficulty sleeping after feeding, painful discomfort, crying and diarrhea. Results of improved digestibility came about with 100% white grape juice.

Research also showed that during the recovery time following a bout with diarrhea, infants who drank white grape juice fared better than those who had apple juice; and also had less reoccurring cases of diarrhea.

If your infant has had a history of colic you may want to choose a 100% white grape juice as their beginner juice to avoid future stomach pain, gas, and bloating. Not all juices are a 100% white grape juice, be sure you read the label carefully.

And for more information on the benefits of white grape juice be sure to talk to your pediatrician.

A recent analysis of government data revealed that children who consumed 100% juices had healthier diets overall than their non-juice consuming counterparts. Children beyond the age of two who drank 100% juice also consumed more fruits, more whole grains, and more key nutrients such as Vitamin C and potassium. This group had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) than the non juice drinkers. In addition to these fore mentioned benefits the white grape juice also offers a higher antioxidant capacity than either apple or pear juice. Antioxidants are important for everybody, young and old alike.

In conclusion, children who were consuming 100% white grape juice not only started out with a healthy choice, but continued to have a healthy, balanced diet throughout their childhood years. With a 4 oz. glass of 100% white grape juice your child also receives an excellent source of vitamin C, all those antioxidants, no fat, and no cholesterol. Raise a cup of delicious 100% white grape juice to your baby?s good health and a lifetime of good health.

About the Author:

Robert Walsh, http://robertwalshkidsclothing.com writes articles about family issues, how save money with great shopping tips, buy top-quality designer kidswear at half-off, save for college with free college money funds. Visit website for a free copy of his informative Bargain Kidswear Newsletter.

Article Tags: 100, grape, juice

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