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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Lets talk about Organic Lucuma Powder

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Organic Lucuma PowderAchieving Health and Wellness With Mangosteen

We are all trying to find ways to be healthier. Some people are deciding to exercise more, while others are watching what they eat. Either of these ways may work for some people but not for others. There is also a third group that is following both of these scenarios.

What if you were told you could drink your way to health and wellness using the Vemma (r) nutrition program. The Vemma (r) program combines the ingredients of the natural plant Mangosteen, with the benefits of aloe vera that is known to be healthy. However, health and wellness does not end there. The Vemma (r) nutrition program also includes antioxidant green tea to complete the whole formula. Using this formula it is now possible to drink yourself into health and wellness. This is an easy way to become healthier and to feel better as well.

However, if you have never heard of Mangosteen, you are probably wondering what it is? Mangosteen is a plant that is found in Asian countries. It is popular because it allows people to achieve a healthy body. The plant belongs to the tree family Garcina mangostana, and it has been found to have a high amount of substances called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are known by scientists for their ability to fight and prevent disease. Therefore, the plant will contain these phytochemicals to protect itself from any disease. However, the great thing is when humans consume these phytochemicals, they are protected as well.

Therefore, the chief function of the fruit of this tree shrub is to produce a state of health and wellness. If you are wondering what Mangosteen looks like, well it resembles a plum. It is around the size of a plum, with a purple outer skin. However, inside the fruit is a white pulp at its center. Both the outer skin and the pulp of Mangosteen contain the substances necessary to promote and achieve health and wellness.

About the Author:

Marsha Brown is the owner of http://AmazingProfitsFromHome.com & writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Marsha recommends you visit: http://www.myvemma.com/mdbrown54 or http://www.vemmabuilder.com/280328405

The Purple Corn Princess...

Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:34:00 EDT
... pint water 1 quart watermelon/mandarin juice 1tbsp paste: spirulina powder, maca powder, bee pollen, honey, water 3...

Organic superfruit ingredients debut in North America

Sun, 09 Mar 2008 20:13:35 EDT
Superfruits and their extracts have flooded onto global markets in recent years but few can claim organic status as do Navitas Natural’s ... Its new range presents five superfruits - mesquite, goji, yacon, lucuma, camu camu - in powder form at retail level and suggests they be mixed into drinks a...“All Navitas Naturals products are organic or ethically wild crafted,” Navitas said. ... Other Navitas products include maca (powder and capsules), cacao (beans, nibs, paste, butter, and powder),...

Chia Seed is a New Superfood 'Sprouting' From Navitas Naturals

Fri, 4 Apr 2008 00:00:00 CST
... organic power foods including Maca, Flax, Hemp, Cacao (beans, nibs, paste, butter, and powder), Goldenberries, Goji Berries, Mulberries, Acai, Lucuma, ...

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