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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

More Great Holistic Healing Resources.

Muira Puama PowderBee Pollen - Nature''s Most Complete Food


Bee Pollen
is often referred to as nature's most complete food. Human consumption of
Bee Pollen
is praised in the Bible, other religious books, and ancient Egyptian and Chinese
texts. It has long been prescribed by traditional health practitioners for its
healing properties.
Bee Pollen's
ability to consistently and noticeably increase energy levels makes it a
favorite substance among many world class athletes and those interested in
sustaining and enhancing quality performance.
Bee Pollen
helps in rejuvenating your body, stimulates organs and glands, enhances
vitality, and brings about a longer life span.
Bee Pollen
contains trace amounts of minerals and vitamins and is very high in protein and
carbohydrates. Bee pollen is not found in the everyday diet. It is found in
nutritional supplements.
Bee Pollen
has been used to enhance energy, memory and performance.
Bee Pollen
is also taken to prevent hay fever. People believe that ingesting
Bee Pollen
will help to build resistance to them.

"Bee Pollen
is an excellent prophylaxis and therapeutic treatment against the precocious
symptoms of old age. It should be considered a universal geriatric treatment in
the form of a natural remedy".

Bee Pollen
is a complete food & a potent source of energizing nutrition. It contains 18 amino acids,
DNA, RNA, vitamins A, B-1, B-2, niacin, B-6, B-12, pantothenic acid, folic acid,
C, D, E, K, choline, inositol, rutin and other bioflavanoids, calcium,
magnesium, iron, zinc, 10 types of enzymes, coenzymes, and many other
nutritional factors. Its benefits to humans have been known since ancient times.
Studies have shown that
Bee Pollen
meets all nutritional needs of humans.
Bee Pollen
contains all the essential components of life. Bee Pollen is considered an
energy and nutritive tonic. Thousands of chemical analyses of
Bee Pollen
have been made with the very latest diagnostic equipment, but there are still
some elements present in
Bee Pollen
that science cannot identify. The bees add some mysterious "extra" of their own.
These unidentifiable elements may very well be the reason
Bee Pollen
works so spectacularly against so many diverse conditions of ill health.
Bee Pollen
corrects the deficient or unbalanced nutrition, common in the customs of our
present-day civilization of consuming incomplete foods, often with added
chemical ingredients, which expose us to physiological problems as various as
they are numerous. Cultures throughout the world use
Bee Pollen
in a surprising number of applications: for improving endurance and vitality,
extending longevity, aiding recovery from chronic illness, adding weight during
convalescence, reducing cravings and addictions, regulating the intestines,
building new blood, preventing infectious diseases such as the cold and flue
since Bee
has antibiotic type properties and helping overcome retardation and
other developmental problems in children.
Bee Pollen
is thought to protect against radiation and to have anti-cancer qualities.


Bee Pollen
is a whole food supplement that contains at least 130 substances of nutritional
Bee Pollen
is composed of about 50% carbohydrates, rich in fatty acids,
almost all known minerals, amino acids, enzymes, trace elements, vitamins like B
complex, A,C,D,E, beta carotene.
Bee Pollen
Contains vitamins including Vitamin A, B1 Thiamin, B2 Riboflavin, B3 Niacin, B6
Group, Vitamin B complex, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, B12, Folic Acid, Choline,
Inositol, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and Rutin, as well as
Minerals especially Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Sodium, Chlorine,
Iron, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Zinc, Silicon, Molybdenum, Boron, Titanium,
Magnesium. Bee
also contains various Enzymes named as Amylase, Diastase, Saccarase,
Pectase, Phosphatase, Catalase, Disphorase, Cozymase, Cytochrome, Lactic,
Dehydrogenase, Succiniohydrogenase, 24 Oxido-Reductases, 21 Transferases, 33
Hydrolases, 11 Lyases, 5 Isomerases, Pepsin and Trypsin. The Amino Acids present
in Bee Pollen
are Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Thereonine, Alanine, Valine,
Histidine, Arginine, Cystine, Aspartic Acid, Phenylalanine, Proline, Glutamic
Acid, Glycine, Serine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine. Beside of all these minerals,
vitamins & enzymes
Bee Pollen
also founds to be rich in Nucleic Acids, Flavinoids, Phenolic Acids, Tarpenes,
Nucleosides, Fructose, Fructose, Gibberellins, Resins, Lecityin, Xanthophyllis,
Guanine, and Xanthine. The main components of
Bee Pollen
by percentage may be given as Protein 21.2 %; Carbohydrates 48.5%; Fatty Acids
9.9%; Ash 2.7%; Fiber 3.5 %; Water 14.2%.

in daily routien prevents nutritional imbalance, deficiencies,
accumulation of toxins in the body and helps strengthen the immune system and
prevent disease. The important thing with
Bee Pollen,
like with every other herb, is to make sure to buy a fresh high quality product.
Bee Pollen
is considered a complete food with its nutritional balance in protein,
carbohydrates, fats and all the other nutrients it contains.
Bee Pollen
is the richest food in nature.
Bee Pollen
appears to work wonders for weight control by correcting a possible chemical
imbalance, which may be involved in abnormal weight gain. Bee pollen helps speed
up the caloric burn by stimulating the metabolic system.
Bee Pollen
also contains a high percentage of lecithin that helps dissolve and flush fat
from the body. As a side benefit this same process is very effective in lowering
the bad LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Bee Pollen
helps in eliminating cravings. This is due in part to the natural phenylalanine,
an amino acid, which acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

About the Author

Research Work On Herbs, Nutrition & ALternative Medicine


News on Muira Puama PowderLongevity, Well Being and Health

Let�s do a comparison of sorts here:

1. If you sign up a gym membership, you�d probably pay, say $50 - $100 per month
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Longevity, Well Being and Health

Fullers Earth Powder

The average age at which menopause occurs is 50.5 years, however some women enter into the process much earlier. Cancer sufferers and those who have received chemotherapy often experience an early onset of menopausal symptoms. Other things that can bring on early menopause include autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, and diabetes mellitus. Early menopause is typically defined as menopause that occurs before the age of 40. The actual onset of premature menopause can be formally diagnosed through the measurements of certain hormones within the body.
Visit this website for more News on...
Fullers Earth Powder

Independent, The (London) - The shortlist

Sun, 07 Apr 1996 08:00:00 GMT
April 7, 1996 -- Chestnut Blossom Contains chemicals also found in semen. The Marquis de Sade commented on the stirring effect of this flower's scent. Scatter some...

rub horny goat weed tablet on penis

Tue, 05 Aug 2008 13:26:06 EDT
... from kalyx (available in capsules, tablets, powder and bulk) al and pala consider l-arginine to be the single most important pro-sexual supplement. l-arginine is an essential amino acid. ... other popular individual sex herbs include tribulus terrestris, tongkat ali lj100, mucuna pruriens, avena sativa, catuaba, muira puama, and ashwagandha....

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Did you hear of Health and Nutrition

Reviews of Yerba MateKelp Powder

2. Physically handled so that excessive physical contact is made between human skin and the mold.

3. Or the mycotoxins have to be exposed to living cells in the laboratory.

It may or may not be likely that toxic molds can cause the above detrimental effects when humans breathe in mold spores in the home. It is very difficult to gather scientifically reliable proof on the effects of breathing toxic mold spores in the home.
View this site for more Info on...
Kelp Powder

it's easy being green with clorox green works.

Sat, 06 Sep 2008 23:39:32 EDT
... and white wine, which I had maybe a swallow of before retreating back to my yerba mate.... ... i need to get up early, but i'm still drinking yerba mate which is bad because it's caffeinated. . . but I can't stop. oh well. i'll just be tired tomorrow....

Save Your World(TM), Save Your Skin(TM), and Save Your Hair(TM ... - PR Newswire

Wed, 23 Jul 2008 05:50:00 GMT
Save Your World(TM) (http://www.saveyourworld.com), the first company in the United States to launch a personal care product line infused with organic yerba mate and organic aloe ...

Guayaki Launches San Mateo Yerba Mate - NPIcenter (press release)

Mon, 08 Sep 2008 16:59:11 GMT

Guayaki Launches San Mateo Yerba Mate
NPIcenter (press release), Canada - Sep 8, 2008
Guayaki is celebrating yerba mate (pronounced ‘MAH-tay’) diversity with the announcement of San Mateo Loose Yerba Mate. Sourced from the rainforest in the ...

Formula 1 Legend Phil Hill: Farewell to a tough gentleman - MotorTrend Magazine

Thu, 04 Sep 2008 15:07:29 GMT

MotorTrend Magazine

Formula 1 Legend Phil Hill: Farewell to a tough gentleman
MotorTrend Magazine - Sep 4, 2008
... Fangio insisted his remedy for hot races was a pot of Yerba mate, a natural herbal stimulant used by the gauchos on the pampas of his native Argentina. ...

Recent information on Barley Grass Powder

Oh the things that come out of me

Mon, 18 Aug 2008 00:43:46 EDT
... plus, a protein shake that’s full of all sorts of great things like Whey, Flax and Rice protein, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Buckwheat Juice Powder, Barley Grass, A...

Include Alkaline In Your Diet (crafts supplies craft store)

Sun, 07 Sep 2008 14:15:30 EDT
... adishes, rutabaga, sea veggies, spinach, sprouts, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watercress, wheat grass, and wild greens. ... Proteins that are alkaline are: almonds, chestnuts, millet, tempeh, tofu, and whey protein powder....

Order Up!

Sat, 30 Aug 2008 15:51:03 EDT
Finally, we were told to put him on a diet of mostly field grass, something he could eat slowly and his system could digest. ... A little closer to foaling, we'll add in red clover and barley grass for better quality milk....

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Sat, 01 Jan 2005 08:00:00 GMT
January 1, 2005 -- Nature's Life, Larkspur, CA, has added Green Veg Pro-96 to its Pro-96 protein powder line. This non-soy vegetarian protein powder provides 17 grams...

Health Food Books and Recipe ideas
Herbal Tinctures
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Did you hear of Holistic Remedy

Holistic RemedyHeart Disease And Carbohydrates

High sugar intake leads to dysfunctions everywhere especially the Heart!

The real problem in America is not chronic low blood sugar but the opposite, chronic high blood sugar. This constant elevation of glucose streaming through our system has major toxic implications, just ask any diabetic. Blindness, peripheral neurological dysfunctions and ulcerations are all causes of chronic high blood glucose. These are usually problems diabetics worry about on a constant basis. So, what about the non-diabetic that is constantly eating refined sugars that keep insulin and glucose working overtime?

It has been stated that high intakes of refined sugar is directly linked to coronary artery dysfunctions (heart disease). It has been shown that cultures that consume low levels of sugar and high levels of fats and cholesterol actually have lower levels of coronary artery dysfunctions but once refined sugar becomes a staple of these cultures daily diet coronary artery dysfunction becomes prevalent and cholesterol is made out to be the bad guy. Over indulging in sugars will lead an increase production of cholesterol by the liver. Sugar will also use or destroy the main constituent of arteries, which as stated before leads to cracking and filling by the increased production of cholesterol.

When was the last time you ever heard that sugar intake is the main reason for arterial dysfunction? In fact even in the 21st century we are still being bombarded with the incomplete facts. On a daily basis we are being told that hamburgers, steaks and eggs are the cause of coronary artery dysfunction and that drugs that block the production of cholesterol is the answer. Yet in 1977, nearly 30 years ago, Dr. George V Mann of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, published an article stating the opposite. In the New England Journal of Medicine Mann is quoted as writing:

?Foundations, scientists, and the media, both lay and scientific, have promoted low fat, low cholesterol, polyunsaturated diets, and yet the epidemic continues unabated, cholesteremia in the population is unchanged, and clinicians are unconvinced of efficacy?And yet the oil and spread industry advertise its products with claims and promises that make these foods seem like drugs. The vibrant certainty of scientist claiming to be authorities on these matters is disturbing.?

This should be of great concern for every reader. Research professionals have touted this information for three decades! The number one killer of Americans is coronary artery dysfunction (heart disease) and our children are becoming obese at an alarming rate. Both of these are linked to over consumption of refined sugars and are both preventable. Our culture is choosing this unhealthy state of living. In the chapter, Putting it all together, I give examples of foods to eat. All you have to do is make the choice.

Dr. Brandon DiNovi received his Doctoral degree from Logan College of Chiropractic and a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and Wellness at Bastyr University. He received a second bachelor's degree, in Biology, from Logan College.

While attending Bastyr University Dr. DiNovi focused on advanced nutritional therapies and biomechanics. Dr. DiNovi secured an internship position with HealthSouth working with their physical therapy department.

Dr. DiNovi is currently in private practice in Edmonds Washington at the DiNovi Wellness Clinic. He specializes in preventive manual medicine and techniques that will keep the body working at its optimum level. His practice includes counseling on the benefits of proper nutrition which combined with proper alignment of the body not only prevents dysfunctions but also provides optimal health.

To order "Nutrition for a Wellness Lifestyle" by Dr. Brandon DiNovi Visit http://www.DiNoviWellness.com

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