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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Health and Nutrition article

Fullers Earth Clay PowderUnderstanding Travel Health Insurance

My first wife often got sick when we were out traveling. This was the rule rather than the exception especially when we traveled far and exotic destinations. It happened mostly after the first or the first few meals we ate. For some reason she reacted with bad stomach and vomiting the first few days of our holiday. And each time the same happened; I called the hotel reception who called a doctor and within an hour or so the doctor arrived at our hotel room and gave her the treatment she needed. And we did never pay a nickel. We always had a good travel health insurance.

Travel health insurance is the one preferred by many people who are seriously engaged in frequent travel. However, some may prefer this type of health insurance whenever they undertake a journey on rare occasions also.

Some persons still may not realize the plus points of the travel health insurance. Once you have this type of health insurance policy, you will get benefited in terms of money when you become ill and there is no need to spend lot of money on medical reasons.

You may get surprised to know all these things. But it is true! Believe us. There are many firms that do a business in the insurance coverage in a decent manner. The emergency medical expenditure and medical expenditure related with dental reasons on emergency basis would be most of the times covered by many of these firms.

You will wonder if you come to know that there are some firms that can even help you to find the reputed medical institutions when you become sick during the travel.

However, as a consumer, you may have to select the suitable health insurance firm that covers maximum of expenditure you are likely to make when there are derangements in your health during the travel periods.

Such travel health insurance helps a lot for passengers who make frequent travel to meet out the emergency medical expenditure related to the medical or surgical or dental structures related emergency expenditures.

If you fail to disclose any facts that are required to meet out the documentary evidences, then the individual like you may loose the insurance coverage for the expenditure related to the emergency medical or surgical or dental expenses.

There are many firms that will have some ceiling in the insurance policy amount to be associated by the elderly persons, like persons entering the age of about sixty-four or sixty-five. In such cases, many times, the individuals need to inform the already existing health problems to the concerned travel health insurance firms.

About the Author

Ian Koch likes to publish Global Travel Insurance Info . You can go to 11-Travel-Insurance.com for more.

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Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: http://www.bestmenopause.com/supplements.html http://www.aperfectharmony.com or http://www.a-1hypnosis.com.
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Echinacea Powder

The double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial was conducted by the University of Western Australia and led by Professor Susan Prescott. Also involved in the study were King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and Telethon Institute for Child Health Research and Centre for Child Health Research Australia.

A total of 98 women were initially enrolled in the study, all of who were non smokers and who did not regularly consume more than 2 portions of oily fish a week. A total of eighty three of these women completed the study. Researchers gave half of the women in the trial 4gr of fish oil supplements on a daily basis from twenty weeks of pregnancy and these supplements contained a combination of both Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The remainder of the women were given 4gr of Olive Oil. Development checks were carried out on a total of 72 of the babies when they had reached the age of two and a half years.

The children whose mothers received fish oil had a significantly higher score for eye-hand coordination than the babies whose mothers had been given olive oil instead. The growth rates were similar in both groups, as were the general language skills, however, the fish oil group showed higher scores for receptive language, phrase length and vocabulary. The positive results were not related to possibly influential factors such as maternal age and length of time breastfeeding as these factors had already been accounted for.
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