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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A blog about Raw Food Recipes

Raw Food Recipes TopicsHerbal Tinctures

1. Eat lots of fresh fruit daily (certified organic when possible)

2. Eat lots of raw vegetables. Choose from romaine or leafy green lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, red sweet peppers, pea pods, etc. They are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients.
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Herbal Tinctures

Take Charge of Your Health

Sat, 08 Nov 2008 08:50:46 EST
Take Your Health in Your Hands
Wanting to be healthy is a desire we all share. Do you ever witness the miracle of nutrition firsthand? Some people experience it when they lose a considerable amount...

Organic products to the rescue (Philippine Daily Inquirer)

Sun, 14 Dec 2008 23:23:14 GMT
FOR YEARS, the competitive export market has looked kindly on the Philippines' fresh and processed agricultural exports like mangoes, coconut products, pineapples and carageenan.

The ultimate banquet (The Age)

Mon, 15 Dec 2008 16:21:28 GMT
What would the finest possible feast be? The Epicure team recommends the latest and the best recipes from here, and across the globe.

Raw Foodist Nomi Shannon (Part III): Where to Find Raw Food ... - Natural News.com

Sat, 13 Dec 2008 18:45:57 GMT

Natural News.com

Raw Foodist Nomi Shannon (Part III): Where to Find Raw Food ...
Natural News.com, AZ - Dec 13, 2008
In this excerpt, Nomi Shannon shares on The Raw Gourmet, Raw Food Celebrations and great raw food recipes. Renegade Water Secrets with Nomi Shannon, ...

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Lucuma Flour


Devils claw Reviews and information

Devils clawPanthers’ bid comes up short - Tribune-Democrat

Sun, 14 Dec 2008 05:15:00 GMT
Tiny Shade almost slayed the giant in the championship game of the 31st annual Mountain Cat Tournament for high school boys Saturday night at the Pitt-Johnstown Sports Center. The ...

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Hemp Protein Shake Information

General Health6 Great Ways to Enjoy Your Low Carb Diet

If there is one low carb diet complaint that we hear over and over again, it's that a low carb diet is so boring. Sure, they don't always use those words, but that's what they mean when they say "there's not enough variety," or "it gets so monotonous," or "there's nothing to eat." Luckily for you, these carb complainers are wrong. No one ever said that low carb dieting had to be boring. In fact, low carb dieting is not about restriction, but about enjoying really delicious, really diverse foods.

If there is one low carb diet complaint that we hear over and over again, it's that a low carb diet is so boring. Sure, they don't always use those words, but that's what they mean when they say "there's not enough variety," or "it gets so monotonous," or "there's nothing to eat." Luckily for you, these carb complainers are wrong. No one ever said that low carb dieting had to be boring. In fact, low carb dieting is not about restriction, but about enjoying really delicious, really diverse foods.

There are many ways to begin enjoying your low carb diet today! Here are 6 simple ways you can turn your low carb diet into a high taste adventure!

1.Mix It Up

Start thinking outside the "I can't eat anything" box and start seeing all the things you can eat on a low carb diet. You'd be surprised how many foods open up before your eyes when you stop focusing on what you can't eat and being looking around at what you can.

2.Get Spicy

If you do nothing else to break your low carb blahs than fill your cupboards with assorted spices and seasonings, you'll still be thankful. Dress up your low carb foods with fresh herbs and tangy marinades. Add zip and zest with flavorful dressings and mouth-watering marinades. Jazz up your menu with lip-smacking low carb syrups and spicy sauces. The key is taking the bland and making it bold!

3.Go Meatless

Dump the notion that you have to eat meat every day and try a vegetarian dish a few days a week. Believe it or not, you don't have to be a vegetarian to eat like one. In fact, studies have shown that vegetarians who follow a well-balanced low-carb, low-fat, high-fiber diet often have a lower chance of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and obesity. If that's not enough convincing, try any of the many meat substitutes in your local store. Whether you're looking for fish, chicken, steak, or sausages, you'll find that the meatless version of each often has the same consistency and taste as the original. The beauty of it, of course, is these meat-free dishes are often dramatically lower in fat and calories than the meats they replace. In most cases, the protein count is higher, and the net carbs are very low too!

4.Make It Green and Leafy

Make boring a thing of the past as you fill your repast with green leafy salads topped with all kinds of low carb treats! Turn your side salad into the main dish by adding any of the following in real or veggie versions: chicken, crab meat, shrimp, tuna, or turkey. Color your garden delights with any kind of cheese and top with the perfect crunch of non-starchy vegetables, including alfalfa sprouts, chives, mushrooms, radishes, and snow peas.

5.Have a Snack Attack

When the idea of having a steak for dinner just isn't enough to get you through the afternoon, it's time you had a snack attack. Fill up on low carb snacks to give your tummy something to smile about. For something nutty, try small portions of macadamia nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, or walnuts. For something cheesy, there's nothing more fun than playing with (and eating) string cheese. Or, for the ultimate treat, make a super smoothie. Make a smoothie by mixing your favorite low carb protein powder in water, or soy milk with your favorite berries and a pinch of Splenda.

6.Low Carb Doesn't Mean No Carb

When nothing else is helping you get over your low carb blues, remember this: Low carb doesn't mean no carb. Your job is to rid your diet of refined and processed carbohydrates and replace them with the good stuff: whole grains, vegetables, nuts, and fruits high in nutrients and fiber. When you realize that you don't have to go carb-free to let go of the pounds, you'll stop waiting and begin enjoying all the foods that are available to you on your low carb diet!


Sylvie Charrier is the author of the revolutionary new book "Living La Vida Low Carb: The Vegetarian Way". As a busy work-at-home mom, she discovered simple ways to get more results from her low carb diet. She shares her recipe makeovers and health tips on her website http://www.VegetarianLowCarb.com/Enjoy-Your-Low-Carb-Diet.html

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Orlando's Gone Raw at Café 118

Thu, 20 Nov 2008 22:48:42 EDT
#160; I can personally attest that The Tropical Mint ($7) is just heavenly (photo of a similar shake is shown below). ... #160; goji berries, maca, cacao, coconut butter, açai, or hemp protein....

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