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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Slimming Aids for nutrition

Slimming AidsMulch piles growing into mountains - Cincinnati.com

Sat, 20 Sep 2008 20:11:00 GMT
GREEN TOWNSHIP -- They came in pickups with the beds fully loaded. In family cars with greenery poking from the trunk, some of them pulling rented trailers behind. They came in the ...

500 expected for walk - Scarborough Today

Sat, 06 Sep 2008 08:30:24 GMT

500 expected for walk
Scarborough Today, UK - Sep 6, 2008
Hundreds of teams and individuals will take part including family groups, work colleagues, a slimming group and a darts team. The full article contains 145 ...

Fad diets: dangers to avoid - Health 24

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:14:00 GMT
Many of the ‘Wonder Diets’ which are flooding the South African market are sold in conjunction with slimming aids such as pills, powders, herbal teas, and ‘fat-burners ...


General Health discussion

Organic AlfalfaRaw Foodists Present New Dairy-Free Protein Powder Options - Go Dairy Free

Wed, 01 Oct 2008 20:25:04 GMT

Raw Foodists Present New Dairy-Free Protein Powder Options
Go Dairy Free, NV - Oct 1, 2008
... Alfalfa Sprouts°), Hempseed Protein Powder°, Goji Berry Powder°, Black Maca Root Powder°, Yacon Root Powder°, Lucuma Powder°. °Certified Organic & Raw ...

Appeals court upholds Roundup Ready alfalfa ruling - Dairy Herd Management (subscription)

Tue, 09 Sep 2008 05:03:27 GMT

Appeals court upholds Roundup Ready alfalfa ruling
Dairy Herd Management (subscription), IL - Sep 8, 2008
... ruling last May that said that USDA failed to address concerns that Roundup Ready alfalfa could contaminate conventional and organic alfalfa fields. ...

Appeals court upholds Roundup Ready alfalfa ruling - Dairy Herd Management (subscription)

Tue, 09 Sep 2008 05:03:27 GMT

Appeals court upholds Roundup Ready alfalfa ruling
Dairy Herd Management (subscription), IL - Sep 8, 2008
... ruling last May that said that USDA failed to address concerns that Roundup Ready alfalfa could contaminate conventional and organic alfalfa fields. ...

Home Remedies for Coronary Heart Disease

Tue, 21 Nov 2006 18:57:24 EST
The fundamental conditioning factor in all heart diseases is the diet. A corrective diet designed to alter body chemistry and improve the quality of general nutritional intake can, in many cases, reve...

Organic Alfalfa NewsOrganic Peat Free Compost

The easiest way to prepare vegetables is to use the pulp left over from juicing. I like my carrot, apple, beetroot and celery juice in the mornings, and there are plenty of nutrients left in the pulp to keep the dog and the birds healthy as well! If you don�t drink juices (you should, they�re great for you!), you�ll need to use a food processor, as they should be chopped up quite finely.

For meat-eating pets, try to get game meats, as they are generally leaner and free of all the hormones and antibiotics that are present in commercially grown meats. Also keep in mind that diced meat is better than minced. Here in Australia, many pet shops sell frozen diced kangaroo meat in 1kg packs (and 15kg boxes) at very reasonable prices.

Always add a good colloidal or crystalloid vitamin and mineral supplement and some high-grade Omega 3 and 6 oils.
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Organic Peat Free Compost


A blog about Rio Amazon

Topics on Rio Amazon Freeplay Indigo LED Table Lantern

In addition to these herbs, which are also commonly used around the world for blocking the creation and effects of DHT, Procyanidins, or Polyphenols, have been shown to inhibit DHT systemically, AND can stimulate hair growth when applied topically. These anti-oxidant compounds first became renown with the discovery of the amazing action of grape seed extract and it's powerful ability as a free-radical scavenger. More recently, Japanese researchers went through the effort of testing HUNDREDS of compounds in the laboratory for their effect on the stimulation of hair growth, and they found the compounds of grape seed extract grew hair at a greater rate than the pharmaceutical preparation Minixodil. With further testing, using variations of the polyphenols, they discovered those found in apple skin polyphenols to be even more effective, nearly twice effective as Rogaine. Further, with the addition of Forskolin, another herbal extract, the effect was even greater. Exciting news! The interesting thing is that these compounds actually stimulated the hair follicles to become active, whereas it seems Rogaine works by lowering blood pressure in the scalp, thereby increasing blood flow to the follicles. And these compounds did not produce an initial 'shedding' as Rogaine has been known to do.

In addition to the polyphenols, certain essential oils alone and in combination can be effective at hair growth stimulation. In a Scottish study on alopecia areata patients, a blend of Lavender, Thyme, Cedarwood and Rosemary oils based in Jojoba and Grapeseed was found to significantly enhance the regrowth of hair compared to an application of just the base oils alone. Many essential oils, including lavender and rosemary, contain 'ketones', molecules that have been found to cause the skin to regenerate. Further, these oils could be enhanced with the addition of Rosehip Seed oil, which contains compounds similar to Retin-A, a pharmaceutical which has been used in combination with Rogaine for faster effects.

Given all this wonderful information, how does one combine them into an effective regimen? The best thing to do is keep it simple - the more simple it is, the more likely it is you'll stay with it for the several months it will take to see significant effects. So, for the systemic DHT suppression and inhibition, look at formulas either designed specifically for hair, or those for the support of the Prostate gland - they will contain almost the exact same ingredients. Look for a high-quality supplement, with standardized Saw Palmetto extract, Nettle Root extract, and Pygeum extract. Do not take the un-extracted herbs, they will not likely be strong enough in doses you are willing to consume. Saw Palmetto can be consumed in doses between 160 and 320mg daily, Nettle Root a bit more, and Pygeum significantly less. They should be in a gel cap, preferably in Pumpkin seed oil. Take a separate Beta Sitosterol supplement, around 400mg daily, if it is not included already. This is typically found in dry capsules, and there have not been reports of the importance of consuming this in an oil-based capsule, though you can take it with fatty food if you want to be sure (this may help the absorption). Add an oral supplement of Green Tea extract, Grape Seed extract, or Apple Polyphenol extract if you like, along with a good multivitamin.
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Freeplay Indigo LED Table Lantern


Health and Nutrition article

Our thoughts on Valerian HerbOrganic Spirulina Powder - 250g - �9.89

5. Water! The list is endless for the benefits of water. However, still most people do not get enough water each day. Water is a natural detox for the body and could be a factor for curing impotence.

Extra Tip: Eat smaller meals more frequently and avoid large meals that make you feel full. A good suggestion is to eat 5-6 meals each day about the size of your fist.
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 250g - �9.89

GojiBerries / Berry - Wolfberries 1KG

9. Remember the benefits of exercise.

Remember that feeling of euphoria you experienced after a particularly good work-out? You experienced that feeling because the most powerful "feel good" drug in the world - endorphins - were coursing through your veins. If there is a panacea, it's exercise. Nothing feels better than the post-work-out high you experience after exercising. Revel in that feeling. Let it wash over you and truly experience it. Etch that feeling in your brain. It will fuel your motivation on those inevitable days when you just don't feel like exercising. Being physically fit affects every single aspect of your life: you sleep better, eat better, love better, overcome stress better, work better, communicate better, and live better!
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GojiBerries / Berry - Wolfberries 1KG

Health Food Books and Recipe ideas

The good news about age spots is that they are not harmful to your health in any way. Dermatologists classify them as skin blemishes, and they are not cause for alarm or medical treatment. Just keep an eye on them, and if they grow bigger or change shape or color, alert your doctor.

Information from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery's website backs up this point: "...The spots are not cancerous, nor do they lead to cancer. However, on skin exposed to the sun, they may be accompanied by precancerous scaly, red elevations of the skin called actinic keratoses. Dark spots, which might be cancerous, may also appear to be lentigines. All of these blemishes should be evaluated by a dermatologic surgeon."

It is difficult to get age spots to completely vanish, so once again, the best treatment is prevention. Wear protective clothing, don�t overexpose your skin to the sun, and apply sunscreen regularly. Once age spots appear, there are fade creams, retinols, laser treatments, and chemical peels which can significantly reduce their appearance.
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Health Food Books and Recipe ideas