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Monday, March 31, 2008

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Herbal TincturesClever Healthy Ways To Make Your Dog To Like His Food

It is funny to realize that there are a lot of dog owners out there who find it a challenge and definitely a major headache to feed their dog everyday. Like coaxing their kids to eat their food, a overly pampered dog also need coaxing before they eat up their food.

Most commercial dog food is unpalatable to dogs because they have relatively low fat contents that dogs hate. Adding some bribes like a little egg, a spoonful of cottage cheese or a dab of peanut butter might help on most days, but these bribes are fatty in nature and would add to the calories of your dog diet and make him fat in the long run.

There are many clever healthy ways to make your dog likes his food and this article will pretty much reveal them:

1. Adding a new texture - Frozen green beans or baby carrot will add a new texture to your dog's food and add a different crunch to your dog's food as well as a different flavor. Baby carrots has sugar content and its sweet flavor will appeal to most dog, but don't worry about your dog having too much sugar in his diet as the sugar content is minimal and will not affect his health in any ways. As dogs have difficulties to digest uncooked whole carrots, they will even add roughage without adding calories.

You can also consider using other fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, as they would also work in the same manner. For example, canned pumpkin, without any spices, can also be added to your dog's food to make it more appealing.

2. Warming the food - Like human, most dogs prefer their food to be warm. Many dogs dislike the texture of dry commercial dog food and the feeling of cold food at room temperature. To help warm your dog food, you can add some water or low fat chicken or vegetable broth to his food to add moisture content (or to replace the moisture being lost) and then warm it in the microwave. This method is healthy, as liquid will not add calories to your dog's diet but will help make the food taste better and encourage him to eat.

These are two of the most easy and healthy ways to make your dog food taste better. Take note that there are many reasons for a dog to refuse his food, he might be fighting a dominance battle for control, or he might just be sick and suffering from mouth disorder problems. If food refusals happen suddenly, or even when his favorite food is fed, health problems are very likely and a visit to the veterinary is recommended.

About the Author

Moses Wright is the founder of Dog-Diet.net. You can find more helpful information on Canine Dog Diet, Natural Dog Food and Homemade Dog Food on his website. You are welcome to reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.

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Tue, 20 Mar 2007 17:20:04 EDT
Clear skin is easy to achieve with a healthy skin regime, reduced exposure to external and internal toxins, and a healthy lifestyle. Clear skin is a result of well-nourished, vibrant skin cells on the...

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Guarana Seed Extract for health

Guarana Seed ExtractWater: An Essential Component to Healthy Living

Determining how much water you should drink each day depends upon your health, how active you are and where you live. Water is the body?s principal chemical component. On the average, water comprises 60 percent of your weight. There is no body system that can do without water. Essential body functions of water are:

? Water flushes toxins out of vital organs

? Water carries nutrients to your cells

? Water provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues

Not enough water can lead to dehydration. Dehydration is a condition that occurs when you don?t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions.

We lose water through:

? Breath

? Perspiration

? Urine and bowel movements

The body cannot function properly without an adequate water supply. We have to continually replenish our water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.

How much water do we need? For the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate, review the following approaches that attempt to approximate water needs:

? Replacement approach: Since we lose water through urine output, breathing, sweating and bowel movements, a little more than 8 cups along with a normal diet typically replaces the lost fluids.

? Dietary recommendations: As recommended by the Institute of Medicine, men should consume roughly 13 cups of total beverages a day, and women should consume about 9 cups of total beverages a day.

In general if you drink enough fluid you should rarely feel thirsty and should produce between one and two liters of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate.
Factors that influence water requirements:

? Exercise: The more you exercise, the more fluid you will need. Drink an extra 1 or 2 cups of water for short bouts of exercise. For intense exercise, lasting more than one hour, increase your fluid intake. The exact amount of fluid you need depends upon how much you sweat during exercise. In general, an extra 2 to 3 cups an hour is adequate for more intense workout sessions. If the weather is exceptionally warm, increase your fluid intake even more.

? Environment: Hot or humid weather that makes you sweat requires additional intake of fluid. Heated indoor air can also cause your skin to lose moisture during wintertime. I notice even my dogs want to drink about as much water in the wintertime while in heated indoors as they do in the hot summertime.

? Illnesses or health conditions: Fever, vomiting and diarrhea causes your body to lose additional fluids that must be replaced. Bladder infections or urinary tract stones also require an increase in water intake. Other conditions such as heart failure, some types of kidney, liver and adrenal diseases may require that you limit your fluid intake.

? Pregnancy and/or breast-feeding: Pregnant and/or breast-feeding women need additional fluids. Large amounts of water are lost during nursing. Pregnant women should drink about 10 cups of fluids daily and breast-feeding women should drink about 12 ? cups of fluid per day.
Food provides about 20 percent of total water intake. The remaining 80 percent comes from water and other beverages. Fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and cucumbers are nearly 100 percent water by weight. Milk and juice contain water. Water still remains your best sources to replenish the body?s supply of water since it is calorie-free, inexpensive and conveniently available.

Even mild dehydration can cause you to lose energy and feel tired. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include the following:

? Mild to excessive thirst

? Fatigue

? Headache

? Dry mouth

? Little or no urination

? Muscle weakness

? Dizziness

? Lightheadedness

Mild dehydration rarely causes complications, however, if the fluid is not replaced quickly, mild dehydration can become more severe and then be life-threatening. This is especially true in the very young and the elderly.

In generally do not reply upon thirst alone as a guide for when to drink. As you age, your body is also less able to sense dehydration and may not send signals to the brain of thirst. If you experience excessive thirst and increased urination, report this to your doctor, as these signs could be in relation to something serious.

Tips to ward off dehydration and be sure your boy has the fluids it needs:

? Make water your beverage of choice

? Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal

? Hydrate before, during and after exercise

? Substitute sparkling water for alcoholic drinks at social gatherings

It is possible to drink too much water, although uncommon. A condition called hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood) is seen more in endurance athletes such as a marathon runner.

If you feel concerned about your fluid intake, or don?t know exactly how much you should be drinking each day, it is probably best to check with your doctor or a registered dietitian to help you determine the amount of water that is best for you.

Source: Mayo clinic (2006)

Disclaimer: *This article is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any kind of a health problem. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult with your health care provider about any kind of a health problem and especially before beginning any kind of an exercise routine.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box. This article was written (2-2007).

Author: Connie Limon. Please visit us at http://nutritionandhealthhub.com and sign up for our weekly health and nutrition tip. Articles are FREE to publish to your newsletters, website or blog.

Our thoughts on Guarana Seed ExtractAllergies

I just stood there in amazement.

Understand, I�ve had my share of Twinkies and fast food in my lifetime. Growing up, we ate what tasted and made us feel good, never giving a thought to the possible health effects later in life. But, I�ve now done the research. I�ve spent years learning and, more importantly, understanding what we�re doing to ourselves.

Consider this. Food today isn�t what it was to our grandparents. Over the last 50-plus years our food industry has changed dramatically. Many of the foods we put into our bodies contain artificial preservatives to increase their shelf life � coloring agents to improve their appearance � enhancers to heighten their taste � processing agents to manage the food during production � emulsifiers and thickening agents to affect their appearance � fortifiers to control their nutritional values. I am sure there are some consumer benefits to these substances but at what risk to our bodies? Will we ever know?
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Start with the highly refined sugars and things like seafood, mushrooms and salt. Deep fried food is generally not good for your over all health and some say that it is really bad for your skin. Drink more water, water flushes your body of toxins and so in turn is a great internal way of aiming for that healthier looking skin.

Stay away from coffee. It does not matter if it has caffeine in it or not. Coffee stimulates the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormonal steroid that the body produces when it is under stress. (Stress does not cause acne but it certainly aggravates it) Cortisol helps our bodies maintain homeostasis during time of stress yet it causes problems when it stays is our body for a long period of time because what cortisol does is it destroys tissue, which then releases small protein molecules from the destroyed cells. These remainders of cell-protein partly end up in the skin which ends up contributing to acne. Watch out for foods packed with hormones. It does not help hormonal acne.

Interesting fact, non Westernized people did not suffer from acne until their diet changed to what we eat and then oops they joined our ranks in the acne department. The problem is that so much of our diet tends to rob us of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good healthy skin. Vitamin A has been known to be a great preventative of acne. Give it a try, eat less �junk� and more fresh fruit and vegetables high in antioxidants, there is no harm in it and maybe it will help.
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Goji Goji Berries Lycium Barbarum

Libido for Men

1. With alternative health care you will have the chance to experience something different. Not only something different, but something that has worked for many people over the years. Remember, alternative health care is not simply a shot in the dark. There are many treatments that have been proven effective.

2. Alternative health care is not just for people who need treatment for an illness. You may want to look into alternative health care so that you are aware of what the industry has to offer. This way, if you ever get sick or need to move in this direction, you can take advantage of what alternative health care has to offer.

3. The more that you learn about alternative health care the more you are going to change the way that you do things. For instance, alternative health care will teach you a lot about eating right, natural supplements, and much more. Once you begin to learn about alternative health care you will begin to see how you can make this work to your advantage.
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Libido for Men

Natural HealingAffordable Health Care Supplemental Insurance for Seniors

By the time seniors are considered ?seniors,? they usually have a nice little retirement nest as well as health and life insurance policies to fall back on. Maybe they are widows or widowers who have pension plans from their deceased spouses. Of course, this is the idea situation for the senior.

Many seniors in American do not have enough health care insurance to adequately cover their medical needs and prescription drug medications. This is where health care supplemental health care insurance for seniors comes into play, and aside from Medicaid and Medicare, there are ways to get affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors.

Consider these four tips when looking into affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors:

Those who join at an early age get the best rates. However, that doesn?t mean seniors aren?t eligible. Actually, seniors are probably the most common health care supplemental insurance policyholders.

Don?t lie about your current health condition. Stretching the truth may seem like a way to get more affordable rates for your health care supplemental insurance, and yes, it?s true that premiums are usually based on past and current health conditions, but lying will always catch up with you in the end, especially if there comes a time when you need that supplemental insurance and the insurance company refuses to pay because you gave false information when applying.

Think of any groups or associations to which you belong. These organizations may be able to help you obtain affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors.

Once you have a plan, stick to it. You may end up purchasing a health care supplemental insurance plan for seniors that doesn?t quite fit your needs or your budget. That doesn?t change the fact that you need supplemental insurance, though. Stick to it until you?ve found a better, more affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors. In other words, never cancel until you have a back-up plan.

To get free quotes and learn more about insurance please visit the following
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