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Friday, April 04, 2008

Herbal Health Products Information

Herbal Health ProductsHow To Break Through A Weight Loss Plateau...

A few days ago, a customer asked me this question:

"I eat healthfully, and exercise at least an hour every day, but I've been stuck at 146-150 for a while now. How can I get over this plateau and keep losing?"

The older I get, I like to tell myself that I'm becoming smarter - or I may be just becoming lazier. In any case, I definitely don't work out that much. You can get great results without training that much. I was able to tolerate 1-hour workouts every day when I was 20 - but not anymore. I don't know you but there is a possibility that you are overtraining. The fact that you train for one hour a day tells me that you have a lot of zeal. Here are the questions you need to ask yourself so you get over the plateau:

1) What type of exercise do you do each day? Is it only aerobic or do you do resistance training as well? If you are not doing resistance training, replace some of your exercise time (at least half) with resistance training. I'm convinced that "normal people" can achieve almost any weight management goal they have by training properly with weights for 40 minutes every other day. Get in there, do your exercises and then get out. You don't need to train more. You need to train smart. Get your weight training down. THEN you can add the aerobics if you want.

2) If you ARE doing resistance training, are you getting stronger every workout? Yes or no? Can you lift more weight or do more reps with the same weight? Yes or no? If no, then you may be overtrained or maybe you are not eating enough protein or sleeping and resting properly.

3) Did you measure your weight AND fat percentage before starting exercising? Where are you now? Did you lose weight? Was that fat? Or did you lose muscle? You can't improve what you can't measure. If you are losing muscle, you will just continue spinning your wheels.

4) Exercising can get boring. And the body adjusts to the "same ol', same ol'" after a while. Try changing up your workout routine so you don't get bored.

Remember to keep track of your progress. Measure your weight, fat and muscle once a week on an empty stomach in the morning. Know how you are progressing and "fail fast" if need be. If you see a week that you gained fat and lost muscle (it happens even in the best families) try to readjust your plan. Don't make the mistake that many people make and that's following a plan that doesn't work FOR YEARS. This is called "failing in slow motion". You want fast results? Measure your progress then.

If you keep an ultra strict diet for several days, then you can reward yourself by having a "free day" where you eat some of your favorites foods like pizza, cheesecake etc. Don't eat 10,000 calories, ok? But taking a break every now and then can really help you stay on track for the long term.

You have much more control over your life that others would have you believe. Right now, you are overweight because of some very specific habits you have. Focus on those habits. As soon as you correct them, you will be able to start losing weight and fat and looking great.

Forget who you have been all your life. Saying things like "I'm a fat boy" or "I look like a barrel" don't help you. Stay away from the victim mentality. Decide who you are going to be from this point on.

Before you go to bed each night, spend just 5 minutes to plan the next day. What are you going to do at 8:00 AM? What at 10:25 AM? Note down your program. What will you eat? When will you exercise? This will allow you to "fly" through the next day much easier. Don't just wait for the next day to come and then just "react" to whatever comes your way. Remember: Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Many people say "I can't do weight training (or exercise at all) because I'm in no physical condition to do so".

This is one of the best examples of the "problem" being the ultimate solution. START working out now. Take it slowly. Start gently. Soon you'll be in such unbelievable shape you'll wonder how you ever lived without eating right and exercising. Nothing feels like being in great shape does.

Starting a weight loss program can be challenging or even scary for some people. We all have fear in at least one sector of our lives. But you need to realize that the next step in your personal growth (and weight loss), is feeling "uncomfortable". Only when you step out of your comfort zone will you start to improve. Take it one step at a time and give it your best shot. Be bold...

About the Author:

Why Almost Everyone Is Dead Wrong About Weight Loss - Including How To Lose Up To 28 Pounds in 4 Weeks And Keep it off - Without Diet Pills or Aerobics and Without Feeling Hungry. Lose weight with this simple weight loss program

Alternative medicine gets $1.7m extra research boost

Fri, 4 Apr 2008 09:25:56 CST
The money, announced by Parliamentary Secretary for Health Jan McLucas at a complementary medicines conference in Sydney this week, will give another leg-up ...

News on Herbal Health ProductsDamiana Powder

Fortunately, you can cure the disease of halitosis by practicing some common oral hygiene procedures. Unfortunately, most people have common 'bad habits' for brushing, flossing and scraping. Could you be making some 'bad breath' mistakes?
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Damiana Powder


Recent information on Raw Food Products

Raw Food ProductsGreen Tea and a Healthy Cancer Prevention Diet

Tea is the world?s most popular beverage after water and is made from the young leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush which is a shrub native to Asia. Research has shown that a number of readily available foods such as green tea, actually appear to have a major impact on cancer prevention. These cancer fighting foods seem to have the ability to interfere with the development of cancerous tumors. Cancer fighting foods all contain large amounts of certain phytochemicals. Phytochemicals were developed by nature to protect plants against damage caused by insects, disease and environmental stress. These phytochemical molecules are the ones that give fruits and vegetables their brilliant colors, provide the smell to garlic and the astringent taste to tea. It is very likely that these phytochemicals, not the vitamins and minerals, that are the source of the cancer prevention capabilities of these healthy foods. The tea leaf contains large quantities of phytochemical polyphenols called flavonols, commonly known as catchetins.

Although green tea and black tea start out from the same plant leaf, their chemical composition is different because of the way they are processed. Apart from an initial brief steam roasting to stop fermentation, the production of green tea is largely a manual process. Japanese green teas contain more catchetins than Chinese green teas. On the other hand black teas are allowed to go through a fermentation process before they are roasted. This process destroys most of the cancer fighting flavonols. Some black teas like Darjeeling still contain significant quantities of catchetins. Oolong tea is only partially fermented and retains cancer fighting properties somewhere between green tea and black tea.

Green tea has been thought for years to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as improve digestion and help protect against ulcers. It has been promoted as an herb that can prevent certain bacterial infections. Green tea is widely consumed in Japan, China, and other Asian nations and is becoming more popular in Western nations. Some reports indicate green tea may have the ability to help prevent many types of cancers. However results of studies on human populations are still preliminary. On the other hand, studies on mice have shown that the catchetins in green tea give mice protection against all stages of cancer development. These catchetins may cause cancer cells to die just like normal cells and in a process called angiogenesis - it may also stop new blood vessels from forming to supply the tumor.

The amount of green tea needed to achieve beneficial effects is unknown. Asians usually drink at least 3 cups per day using 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried leaves steeped in a cup of boiling water. Tea should be steeped longer than 7 or 8 minutes to extract the maximum amount of catchetins. Green tea is generally considered safe as large numbers of people have consumed this tea for thousands of years with few dangerous side effects. However drinking large amounts of tea may cause problems because of the caffeine content which can cause nausea, sleeping problems and frequent urination. Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should not drink green tea in large amounts as caffeine can cross the placenta and also be passed along in breast milk.

Eating a healthy balanced diet can provide our bodies with tens of thousands of different phytochemicals. Much of the available research on cancer prevention foods still comes from laboratory cell studies, animal studies and epidemiologic observational studies comparing populations. Clinical trials on humans are being conducted but it takes many years for results to be validated. Not all fruits, vegetables and other plant products provide the best anti-cancer phytochemicals. The ten best groups of anti-cancer foods are discussed in our website www.benefits-of-antioxidants.com . They include: berries and citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, garlic and onions, green tea, omega-3 essential fatty acids, olive oil, tomatoes, soy products, red wine and dark chocolate.

Mark Ransome is a contributing editor and writer for the popular new website Benefits of Antioxidants. Visitors will have access to a new free diet and weight loss program: The Psychiatrist?s Weight Loss Program.

Raw Food Products DiscussionHemp Deodorants

Before purposeful nourishing recommendations can be given, the researchers must however still clarify how the processing of the food affects the effect of these substances.

Still with all the existing knowledge gaps it can safely be said that there is no Diet or food form which can heal cancer!
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Hemp Deodorants

L'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

Susan Megge founded http://www.40isbeautiful.com to assist women with issues related to menopause, such as weight gain, hot flashes, mood swings, etc. Susan Megge is the author of "Being Beautiful Beyond 40," a book dedicated to give women the confidence and inspiration to experience menopause with minimal symptoms and learn to embrace these years.
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L'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

A chunk of feta cheese can help combat food poisoning (New Kerala)

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 17:14:01 GMT
Washington, April 3 : Holidaymakers in the Mediterranean could have an easy and handy treatment for traveller's tummy, for a new study has found that eating Feta cheese made from raw milk can help prevent upset stomachs and combat food poisoning.

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Health and Nutrition Info

Health and NutritionKeeping Your Baby Healthy? Watch What They Drink


Keeping Your Baby Healthy? Watch What They Drink

Submitted By: Robert Walsh

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends to wait at least six (6) months before introducing juice to your infant, and preferably one whole year.

When your baby is ready for juice, it is important that you only serve your child 100% juice, and not juice drinks that add a lot of sugar.

Start out serving your infant juice in a cup not a bottle. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting a serving of 4-6 ounces of 100% juice for ages two through six, and after that 8 to 12 ounces for children seven years and older.

Medical studies indicate that the popular clear juice choices for babies are apple, pear, and white grape juice. Sorbitol is a natural carbohydrate that is difficult for the body to absorb, particularly in the delicate systems of infants and toddlers. Of the three, white grape juice is sorbitol-free.

Fructose and glucose?two natural sugars found in juice are evenly balanced in white grape juice; they are not in the apple and pear juice. Most research suggests that infants and toddlers have an easier time absorbing juice that has an even balance of natural sugars and is sorbitol-free.

When young stomachs are unable to absorb carbohydrates like sorbitol or excess fructose, a number of symptoms may present themselves, including gas, bloating, difficulty sleeping after feeding, painful discomfort, crying and diarrhea. Results of improved digestibility came about with 100% white grape juice.

Research also showed that during the recovery time following a bout with diarrhea, infants who drank white grape juice fared better than those who had apple juice; and also had less reoccurring cases of diarrhea.

If your infant has had a history of colic you may want to choose a 100% white grape juice as their beginner juice to avoid future stomach pain, gas, and bloating. Not all juices are a 100% white grape juice, be sure you read the label carefully.

And for more information on the benefits of white grape juice be sure to talk to your pediatrician.

A recent analysis of government data revealed that children who consumed 100% juices had healthier diets overall than their non-juice consuming counterparts. Children beyond the age of two who drank 100% juice also consumed more fruits, more whole grains, and more key nutrients such as Vitamin C and potassium. This group had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) than the non juice drinkers. In addition to these fore mentioned benefits the white grape juice also offers a higher antioxidant capacity than either apple or pear juice. Antioxidants are important for everybody, young and old alike.

In conclusion, children who were consuming 100% white grape juice not only started out with a healthy choice, but continued to have a healthy, balanced diet throughout their childhood years. With a 4 oz. glass of 100% white grape juice your child also receives an excellent source of vitamin C, all those antioxidants, no fat, and no cholesterol. Raise a cup of delicious 100% white grape juice to your baby?s good health and a lifetime of good health.

About the Author:

Robert Walsh, http://robertwalshkidsclothing.com writes articles about family issues, how save money with great shopping tips, buy top-quality designer kidswear at half-off, save for college with free college money funds. Visit website for a free copy of his informative Bargain Kidswear Newsletter.

Article Tags: 100, grape, juice

iSnare Articles Trademark Balls

boost immunity DiscussionWheatgrass Growing Kits

Help your pet be a good dog by NOT rewarding bad behavior such as begging.

Do you want your dog to be a picky eater? Since the healthiest food for you dog is dog food, it�s a good idea to make that dog food as appealing as possible. Setting his dry kibble next to a juicy steak probably isn�t the most effective way to accomplish that. By feeding your dog a lot of table scraps, you are helping him develop a taste for your food. In some cases, this will cause your dog to become finicky about what he eats, and his dry food will not seem as appealing as it once did.

Do you want a dog who steals? A dog who is allowed to eat human food on a regular basis will begin to assume it is his right to eat the pot of spaghetti you left on the counter. He may also be more apt to rummage through the garbage to get a hold of some of the scraps you neglected to give him. This may cause serious problems as many items found in the trash are very harmful to your pet.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kits

You Will Not Get Me Sick

Mon, 31 Mar 2008 14:44:57 EDT
I have been drinking lots of orange juice, taking my vitamins, and even tried this Airborne complex that is supposedly designed to boost immunity....

Get Mercury Out Of Vaccines - NOW

Tue, 01 Apr 2008 14:14:28 EDT
The best example of unnecessary vaccines used solely to boost profits for the drug companies, is the Hepatitis B vaccine. ... He explains that “normal kids get immunity from the illness which might actually have been better than that acquired from the shot....

M2 Presswire - Boost in immune response fights common cold.

Tue, 05 Apr 2005 07:00:00 GMT
April 5, 2005 -- M2 PRESSWIRE-5 April 2005-US ARS: Boost in immune response fights common cold(C)1994-2005 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD RDATE:05042005 Nursing...


Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:50:51 EDT
Additional ingredients and antioxidants in Ultra boost the staying power of the original. ... The broad array of antioxidants promotes disease immunity and optimal health....
