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Friday, October 03, 2008

Wheatgrass Capsules Reviews and information

NutritionVitamins That Will Boost Your Immune System

Our immunity system is nothing less that the shield protecting us from legions of enemies, - viruses, infections, hostile bacteria, microbes? Once this shield is broken, or too thin, or shrunk, we are in danger of falling victim to those hostile forces preying for us. While the immunity critically depends on a multitude of nutrient elements, we must know at least the mist basic of them:

Vitamin C is probably the most fundamental nutrient guarding our immunity system. A diet poor in Vitamin C is a poor diet. Natural sources of the Vitamin are fruits and vegetables, and specifically designed supplements are widely available. Biological immunity depends upon the number of the white blood cells, and their ability to recognize and neutralize viruses; Vitamin C improves this function of our organisms by helping the production of the white blood cells.

It also has a role in keeping the blood pressure from rising too high. Arterial health and the maintenance of blood vessels are also beneficiaries of the Vitamin C effects. Additionally, the Vitamin is reported to lower the risk of cancerous developments.

Several servings of fruits and vegetables daily will provide a sufficient amount of Vitamin C; if taken in supplements, the Vitamin in-take should be stretched over the day rather than concentrated in a single doze.

Vitamin E: a potent anti-oxidant working best in pair with Vitamin D. It stimulates production of guard-cells in body that attack harmful elements like bacteria and cancerous developments. Vitamin E has positive effects for the immunity system of senile people. The overall effects of it on the arterial system and blood pressure are to noted as well; some studies involving large numbers of patients have shown that Vitamin E can lower risk of hear attack by as much as 50%.

Some fruits and vegetables, but particularly seeds, oils and grains, will supply you with the needed amount of Vitamin E. While the recommended adult daily in-take is around 200 milligrams, it maybe problematic to keep your diet sufficiently supplied with the Vitamin without taking advantage of concentrated artificially produced supplements.

Generally, the more you harm your body by pollution, smoking, alcohol, etc, the bigger amount of anti-oxidants you need to undo the damage.

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Wheatgrass Capsules NewsNaturally Green Blog - General Health

2 Tips to Cardio Workouts

Tip #1 - Do your cardio AFTER your weight session as in the step above. While this won't be ideal, it allows your body to use glycogen for short term fuel for the weights and potentially fat as a fuel source.
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Naturally Green Blog - General Health

Cacao Nibs - Raw Cacao Nibs.

The key to weight management is usually moderation. Choose natural, organic foods along with sugarless treats. Traditional sweetners have that traditional sweetner aftertaste. Sugarless candy need not.

Sample diet plan
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Cacao Nibs - Raw Cacao Nibs.

P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping

The most important meal is the one immediately following your workout. You should look to get between 25-50% of your daily carbohydrate intake. And the amount of carbs needed during a post workout meal varies between people. Guy Grundy says, �My favorite is egg whites, flank steak, and three blueberry and banana multigrain pancakes.�

There�s a good reason for all these carbs. After a workout your body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves. Your body is releasing more insulin, sending needed carbs back into the muscles. These calories and nutrients absorbed during post-workout meals are directed into the worn muscle mass which leads to a better gain in muscle and cell growth.
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P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping

Wheatgrass CapsulesCayenne Pepper

Wed, 16 Jul 2008 06:31:56 EDT
... epper, combined with a glass of hot or cold water Cayenne Pepper Capsule Whisk AP flour, garlic powder, cayenne pepper and salt in a bowl....

Health Info

HealthAre Detox Diets A Myth?

It states:" "The detox fad - or fads, as there are many methods - is an example of the capacity of people to believe in and pay for magic despite the lack of any sound evidence," says Martin Wiseman, visiting professor of human nutrition at the University of Southampton. Most of the pills, juices, teas and oils that are sold for their detoxifying effects on the body have no scientific foundation for their claims, according to the research. People would be better off drinking tap water and having an early night."

It continues to say that they offer empty promises as they have never been proven to work, our bodies are designed to get rid of any chemicals that it doesn't want and excrete them, the benefits of healthier looking skin and lack of headaches is only due to drinking more water and eating a better quality of diet.

What do they think a detox diet is? To my knowledge a huge part of detoxing is to eat more cleansing foods (i.e more fruit and vegetables) and increase your intake of water. The addition of a few natural helpers in the form of herbs, oils, juices and pills can actually be omitted and the same benefit gained.

It is 100% true that the body is designed to get rid of undesirable toxins and excrete them, but when an overload of toxins occurs from a sometimes lifelong accumulation of junk, the body can do with a helping hand. There has been scientific research into many herbal remedies which do show their effects as detoxifying agents like Alfalfa, Kelp, Milk thistle, Dandelion, Psyillum husks etc.

Fasting and cleansing are also very helpful but detoxification is not a single event but an ongoing process that supports the body's natural ability to effectively dispel toxins on a daily basis. Part of that process is consciously limiting the toxins that enter the body in the first place. Restricting or cutting out the usual suspects like caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, synthetic or petroleum-based body products, and household chemicals is a good place to start. (Fasting, if chosen, will be less of an effort if symptoms of withdrawal from caffeine, sugar or cigarettes are not part of the experience.) Eating an organic natural-foods diet, drinking sufficient amounts of pure water, and getting regular exercise are actions that begin to facilitate detoxification. Our bodies adjust best to gradual change, so incorporating these practices into everyday life is recommended before embarking on a more stringent course for flushing toxins out of your system

One sometimes gets the feeling that they are happy keeping us unhealthy, ridiculing any form of natural healthcare, thereby keeping us ignorant to nature's natural pharmacy and dependent on the healthcare they give to us.
Whatever you choose to do, take care and stay healthy

About the Author

Julian Hall of Davidel - The <a

href="http://www.davidel.com">Natural Health Care Company - providers of <a
href="http://www.davidel.com/herbal-capsules-c-70.html">herbal medicine,
herbalife and other natural health products

Liquorice Juice Sticks Reviews
Superfoods: K - Q

Now, we should talk about the prices. A pair of quad speed skates will cost you about $200.00, if you buy them at the skating rink. A pair of inline speed skates will cost you about $70.00, which is about $35 for each skate. Short track speed skates will cost you between $200-400.00. This type of skates you may use for indoor rinks. Long track speed skates are cheaper and you will pay for them between $200.00 -$300.00. I must warn you that if you are seeking for ice speed skate of good quality you may have to pay much more. High-quality speed skates tend to be more expensive.
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Superfoods: K - Q

Kelp Powder

When you smoke, you are introducing stimulants into your system that affect your blood vessels.

It has also been suggested that smoking causes certain types of skin cancer. Further research is being undertaken to study the cosmetic effects that smoking has on your skin. For example, smoking dries your skin, especially in the areas affected by the nicotine smoke. Nicotine is also a diuretic and can reduce vitamin A in your body.
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Kelp Powder

Saw Palmetto

Bob Perkins is a writer and author of two books on dogs, "Boxer Dog Secrets" and "Your Dog's Health". Bob's website is jam-packed with dog tips and techniques. For more great dog info ==> http://www.1StopDogSupplyShop.com
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Saw Palmetto



Healing discussion

HealingLet's kill obesity-let's find alternatives to diet pills

The medical world created quite a stir when the magic of diet pills intervened and successfully reported 5 to 10% of body weight loss! These pills though considered phenomenal in the weight reduction program yet they are meant only for short term usage and are used in conjunction with diet restriction and exercise. In all, prescription diet pills are not stand alones in weight loss management and to understand their basic nature we will have to study the basic nature of anorectic drugs.

Let's take the case of Bontril as popularly known!

What is Bontril?

* Bontril is a sympathomimetic amine class of drugs much like amphetamines. It is also known as "anorectic" or "anorexigenic" drugn stimulating the central nervous system (nerves and the brain) which increases the blood pressure and heart rate, thereby, causing a decrease in the appetite.

* Bontril diet pills are used only for short term and are recommended or prescribed by a doctor along with balanced food and exercise.

* Bontril cannot be taken by people with certain health conditions. They are:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Glaucoma
  • Thyroid problems
  • Diabetes
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Seizures or epilepsy
  • Pregnant women
  • Breast-feeding mothers
  • Drug or alcohol abuse

* This medicine is also not suited for people taking certain medicines like monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) group of medicines like isocarboxazid (Marplan), tranylcypromine (Parnate), phenelzine (Nardil) in the last 14 days.

* The side effects of Bontril diet pills may vary from normal to severe, depending on the effect of the medicine on the body and follow-up with the doctor to check the progress of the pill on the body and weight loss. Tolerance to this medicine must be avoided at all costs as this might trigger the severe health risks to the body. The side effects could be:

  • Dizziness
  • Restlessness
  • Blurred vision
  • Chest pains
  • Gastrointestinal troubles etc.

Precautionary measures

Bontril or phendimetrazine tablets are taken only if the doctor has given a clear certificate on the health check up. Usually health risks that are associated with this class of drugs can be avoided if the following precautions are followed.

Always consult your doctor before taking weight loss pills.
Ask about health risks.
Follow instructions, do not overdose.
The health risks of overdosing on weight loss pills can be severe.
While taking the pills, maintain contact with your doctor.
Describe any side-effects.
Unless advised by your doctor, do not take any weight loss pills for longer than a few weeks. The health risks of weight loss pills increase with length of use.
When buying over-the-counter weight loss medications, check with your pharmacist that the pills do not clash with other medications. Since certain diet pills contain similar active ingredients to (e.g. decongestants, cough medicine), combining certain medications with weight loss pills carries health risks of accidental overdosing.


Drug therapy in weight loss program is always used along with exercise regimen and diet control. It is an ongoing struggle and therefore used only in extreme cases of obesity with a BMI over 30. There is no magic in reaching ideal or dream weight and these exist only in utopian fantasy! The only way of dealing with obesity is having a strong support system to help one fight the battle with patience and sincerity.

About the Author

"Chris Read" is an associate editor to the website http://www.hateweight.com. It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, diet pills, obesity and phentermine. We also provide articles on health related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at email editor@hateweight.com

