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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not just A blog about Roobibos Tea

Roobibos Tea DiscussionSpecials

Your diet. What you eat has direct impact on the health and functioning of your skin. If you eat too little fat, your skin will not be able to maintain its normal lipid layer, which will result in dry skin. If you are deficient in any of the skin-boosting vitamins, you can experience greater skin irritation.

So what can you do to combat these six factors and adequately care for your sensitive skin?
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Eco Friendly Zone

A. The key to shrinking the waist is getting your diet under control and performing effective abdominal training exercises for the muscles. Sit-ups are no longer recommended for the abs as they primarily target the hip flexors and can be very stressful on the lower back for many individuals.
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Eco Friendly Zone

Roobibos TeaRoobibos Reviews and information

Fri, 21 Mar 2008 19:59:01 EDT
Tue, 06 Nov 2007 10:10:20 EDT Roobibos tea w/ginger & vanilla & buckwheat honey A cut-up red pear....

Health and WellbeingSuccessful Dieting - How To Make It Enjoyable & Lose Weight Fast!

If the idea of dieting fills you with gloom or you don't feel you have the willpower necessary to stick with your diet, and then this article is for you.

Let's look at how to lose weight fast and make it enjoyable at the same time with the following tips:

1. Don't deprive yourself of ANY your favourite foods

Most people fail to stick with their diet because it in many cases deprives them of their favourite foods.

As dieting should be fun and eating is one of the pleasures of life do the following:

For six days follow your diet and on the seventh say eat what you want and forget your diet for this day only.

Gaining weight is a long term process and one day a week will slow your diet down by less than 10% at most and will let you enjoy all foods.

If you are deprived of your favourite foods chances are you wont stick with your diet, so don't fall into this trap

2. Obesity is a recent word

Obesity is caused by two factors that have increased as society has become more developed:

1. We don't exercise as much as we did but the main reason is:

2. We don't eat "naturally from the earth" chemicals, preservatives and processing make many foods unhealthy.

Go organic if you can and also keep in mind no SINGLE food group makes you put on weight.

For example, fat is good for you we all need it but many people try and avoid it but unsaturated fat keeps you healthy.

Same with carbs. They are the bodies fuel and you need them just eat unprocessed i.e. brown rice, jacket potatoes.

It is a question of being sensible in your choices in each group but don't cut out Any group (i.e the Atkins diet) make sure you have some of everything.

3. Eat 5 times a day

Many people think they can starve themselves and lose several stone quickly. They can't.

Putting weight on is a long term process and so is taking it up. Losing weight fast means no more than 3 - 5 pounds a week.

Try and knock it off any quicker and it will come back on or make you ill. Crash diets simply don't work and never have.

4. Learn Portion control!

You can eat five times a day but make sure you learn about portion control. Portion control is essential to weight loss nut most people don't understand it.

As a general rule a portion is the size of your fist. Want a portion of rice? Clench your fist and that's the amount, the same goes with meat and fish.

On vegetables or fruit don't worry too much about the size eat as much as you want.

5. Eat as late as you want

You put on weight when you are sleeping is one of the dumbest myths in dieting. You don't and its absolute nonsense so to avoid hunger pangs eat 5 meals a day at the times that you want.

6. We are all busy so...

Don't fall into the trap of grabbing some quick food like a microwave meal or a pizza when you are rushed off your feet.

Keep food that can be made up quickly that's nutritious For example tinned fish is great for this have tins of Mackerel, Sardines, tuna and salmon on hand and brown rice in storage and vegetables and you can have quick tasty nutritious meal in seconds.

People pay billions of dollars for different diets etc but dieting and losing weight is really common sense.

What is the best diet?

There is no such thing as a best diet so long as it is balanced and contains all the food groups and you are avoiding processed foods, it's very much a question of what foods you like.

If you hate red meat then you should do a fish diet. If you cant stand brown rice substitute jacket potatoes instead.

It's not the foods that are important its just a question of eating healthy unprocessed foods in sensible portions regularly.

If you follow the above advice you will not only lose weight quickly, stay with your diet, never be hungry, and enjoy all your favourites as well.

Now doesn't that sound good?

About the Author


On all aspects of healthy nutrition and healthy, balanced diets visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at http://www.net-planet.org/index.html


Lets talk about Rio Amazon Pau Darco

Rio Amazon Pau DarcoTHE "FRIENDLY" BACTERIA Necessary To Health!

THE "FRIENDLY" BACTERIA Necessary To Health!
By Lena Sanchez

Yes, there is a friendly and necessary bacterium
required to stay health. Let me tell you a true story.

17 years ago, my 2 year-old grandson had been having
diarrhea for weeks and nothing seemed to stop it. The doctor
had given prescriptions and a diet that wasn't touching it.
After two weeks of diarrhea it had became watery and
blood tinged making my grandson one tired and cranky
little boy as his system was unable to absorb nutrients
from his food or vitamins. One day a dietitian friend was
visiting us while I had my grandson for the weekend and
I told him how perplexed I was at what to do for this child.
My friend, said to give him a glass of acidophilus milk and
it will clear it up. He went on to explain that the system
was devoid of friendly bacteria namely lactobacillus
among others and acidophilus milk had the friendly bacteria.
I told him my grandson was allergic to milk but he informed
me that even people allergic to milk can take the acidophilus
milk without a problem

After giving my grandson a glass of the milk he was fine
within a few hours.

That grandson had chronic ear infections from the age of
9 months until he had tubes put in his ears at the age of
five and was on antibiotics off and on the whole four and
something years, which killed off the friendly bacteria and
made it necessary to add probiotics to his system on a
weekly basis. He is now a healthy 19-year old college
student getting straight 4.0 average!

As the years went by I came across adults in the medical
Offices where I worked that were having the same problem
and I prescribed the same treatment, behind the doctors
back, and miraculous things happened for them as well.

At the beginning of my learning about friendly bacteria
It wasn't available for sale other than the acidophilus milk.
But in the last ten years friendly bacteria has become
available in health food stores in tablet and capsule form,
some will work well while others aren't as effective.

What is the "friendly" bacterium?

Acidophilus is actually a strain of bacteria, a beneficial one
that naturally inhabits the stomach and bowel, but a "germ"
nonetheless. Despite its lineage, it can be helpful in a
number of healthful situations, most of them involving
digestion and bowel function. When the body fights germs
they are usually expelled through the bowels and/or urinary
tract, therefore making it a necessity at that time to have
a tip-top conditioned intestinal tract.

Yeast infections are a sign of way out of balance intestinal
Flora! Balance it and yeast will scurry...

According to the Colon Health Handbook, a healthy colon
should contain at least 85 percent lactobacillus and 15
percent coliform bacteria. However these days, the typical
colon bacteria count is the reverse, resulting in excessive gas,
bloating, intestinal and systemic toxicity, constipation, and
malabsorption of nutrients. Acidophilus can help to detoxify
harmful substances.

Unfortunately, these bacteria can be killed off by age, oral
contraceptives, aspirin, corticosteroids, poor diet, sugar,
stress and taking antibiotics, causing an imbalance of the
"friendly" bacteria. Supplementing with acidophilus can
result in reversing that condition and maintain a healthy
intestinal flora.

These friendly bacteria help digest food, produce
essential vitamins and help keep bowel function normal.
Acidophilus supports and maintains the growth of the
Lactobacillus bifidus in the intestinal tract. Studies at the
University of Nebraska Medical Center have shown that
Lactobacillus G.G. can enhance immunity, and hints that
other strains of probiotics may deter arthritis, delay colon
cancer and lower bad cholesterol.

Due to our fatty fast food diets, now so prevalent, along
with the OTC (over-the-counter) drugs and prescriptions
given freely, the intestinal tract in the majority of Americans
are lacking in proper friendly bacteria to promote a
healthy intestinal tract. Therefore we have a huge number
of polyps, colon cancer and Irritable Bowel Syndrome's
running around and the majority can be prevented with
practicing colon health by making sure your intestinal
tract has a balanced friendly bacteria.

Balance by taking a complete ProBiotic supplement at least two
or three days a week if not having any health problem. But if a
health problem exists take daily until you return to normal
eating habits and/or are off medications

People with a sweet tooth or meat and potatoes only people
need ProBiotic's daily!

If you are taking an antibiotic take a ProBiotic twice a day
while taking the antibiotic and then for a full week after.

My choice is a tasty chewable that works great for my family
and friends if you want to know what it is

*** Lena Sanchez Author of "Handbook Of Herbs
To Health & Other Secrets," "Antibiotic Alternatives To
Preventing Mega Bacteria," & "Dangers & Secrets Doctors
Refuse To Tell You." Found online at
Editor of "Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your
Home Business Coach" ezine subscribe at
By Lena Sanchez

Yes, there is a friendly and necessary bacterium
required to stay health. Let me tell you a true story.

17 years ago, my 2 year-old grandson had been having
diarrhea for weeks and nothing seemed to stop it. The doctor
had given prescriptions and a diet that wasn't touching it.
After two weeks of diarrhea it had became watery and
blood tinged making my grandson one tired and cranky
little boy as his system was unable to absorb nutrients
from his food or vitamins. One day a dietitian friend was
visiting us while I had my grandson for the weekend and
I told him how perplexed I was at what to do for this child.
My friend, said to give him a glass of acidophilus milk and
it will clear it up. He went on to explain that the system
was devoid of friendly bacteria namely lactobacillus
among others and acidophilus milk had the friendly bacteria.
I told him my grandson was allergic to milk but he informed
me that even people allergic to milk can take the acidophilus
milk without a problem

After giving my grandson a glass of the milk he was fine
within a few hours.

That grandson had chronic ear infections from the age of
9 months until he had tubes put in his ears at the age of
five and was on antibiotics off and on the whole four and
something years, which killed off the friendly bacteria and
made it necessary to add probiotics to his system on a
weekly basis. He is now a healthy 19-year old college
student getting straight 4.0 average!

As the years went by I came across adults in the medical
Offices where I worked that were having the same problem
and I prescribed the same treatment, behind the doctors
back, and miraculous things happened for them as well.

At the beginning of my learning about friendly bacteria
It wasn't available for sale other than the acidophilus milk.
But in the last ten years friendly bacteria has become
available in health food stores in tablet and capsule form,
some will work well while others aren't as effective.

What is the "friendly" bacterium?

Acidophilus is actually a strain of bacteria, a beneficial one
that naturally inhabits the stomach and bowel, but a "germ"
nonetheless. Despite its lineage, it can be helpful in a
number of healthful situations, most of them involving
digestion and bowel function. When the body fights germs
they are usually expelled through the bowels and/or urinary
tract, therefore making it a necessity at that time to have
a tip-top conditioned intestinal tract.

Yeast infections are a sign of way out of balance intestinal
Flora! Balance it and yeast will scurry...

According to the Colon Health Handbook, a healthy colon
should contain at least 85 percent lactobacillus and 15
percent coliform bacteria. However these days, the typical
colon bacteria count is the reverse, resulting in excessive gas,
bloating, intestinal and systemic toxicity, constipation, and
malabsorption of nutrients. Acidophilus can help to detoxify
harmful substances.

Unfortunately, these bacteria can be killed off by age, oral
contraceptives, aspirin, corticosteroids, poor diet, sugar,
stress and taking antibiotics, causing an imbalance of the
"friendly" bacteria. Supplementing with acidophilus can
result in reversing that condition and maintain a healthy
intestinal flora.

These friendly bacteria help digest food, produce
essential vitamins and help keep bowel function normal.
Acidophilus supports and maintains the growth of the
Lactobacillus bifidus in the intestinal tract. Studies at the
University of Nebraska Medical Center have shown that
Lactobacillus G.G. can enhance immunity, and hints that
other strains of probiotics may deter arthritis, delay colon
cancer and lower bad cholesterol.

Due to our fatty fast food diets, now so prevalent, along
with the OTC (over-the-counter) drugs and prescriptions
given freely, the intestinal tract in the majority of Americans
are lacking in proper friendly bacteria to promote a
healthy intestinal tract. Therefore we have a huge number
of polyps, colon cancer and Irritable Bowel Syndrome's
running around and the majority can be prevented with
practicing colon health by making sure your intestinal
tract has a balanced friendly bacteria.

Balance by taking a complete ProBiotic supplement at least two
or three days a week if not having any health problem. But if a
health problem exists take daily until you return to normal
eating habits and/or are off medications

People with a sweet tooth or meat and potatoes only people
need ProBiotic's daily!

If you are taking an antibiotic take a ProBiotic twice a day
while taking the antibiotic and then for a full week after.

My choice is a tasty chewable that works great for my family
and friends if you want to know what it is

*** Lena Sanchez Author of "Handbook Of Herbs
To Health & Other Secrets," "Antibiotic Alternatives To
Preventing Mega Bacteria," & "Dangers & Secrets Doctors
Refuse To Tell You." Found online at
Editor of "Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your
Home Business Coach" ezine subscribe at


Retired Medical Office nurse and administrator. Author of "Handbook Of Herbs To Health & Other Secrets," "Antibiotic Alternatives To Preventing Mega Bacteria," & "Dangers & Secrets Doctors Refuse To Tell You." Found online at http://www.antibiotic-alternatives.com
Editor of "Natural Environmental Health Facts & Your Home Business Coach" ezine subscribe at

News on Rio Amazon Pau DarcoSuperfoods

To date, I have not seen a statement by the ACS, or the American Cancer Society, or any cancer-fighting organization indicating that attempts will be made to influence the medical community to look at the role of food in maintaining a healthy body.
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Skin Changes During Menopause

During the course of the natural menopause process, many women notice surprising changes in the texture and appearance of their skin. Most women begin noticing a generalalized all-over drying of the skin. They also start to notice wrinkles forming where the skin has begun drying.
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Female Reproductive Health

1. Common food allergens that tend to trigger an asthma attack include eggs, fish, shellfish, milk, chocolate, citrus fruits, food preservatives and coloring.
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Female Reproductive Health

Slippery Elm
| | |


Not just A blog about SUCK UK Glow Jar

SUCK UK Glow JarDiagnostic Acne: How It Is Good for Your Health

There have been a lot of comprehensive discussions of acne for a very long time, particularly about the solution. Acne does not only affect people?s appearance but it also has social impact.
Acne has been considered as an undesired symptom which needs urgent treatment. Medical researchers are working on new drugs to treat acne, particularly topical antibiotics to replace some of those in current use. As with many other types of bacterial infections, doctors are finding that, over time, the bacteria that are associated with acne are becoming resistant to treatment with certain antibiotics, though it is not clear how significant a problem this resistance represents.
The fact is, people with acne generally hate the way they look with acne. But many people don't know that it is not just a skin problem anymore. Leonard Darke Institute claims that positions of acne on face can tell you whether there is anything wrong with any part of your internal organs.

The institute researchers analyzed the western-style facial care and treatment with Chinese physiognomy and concluded that acne occurring on each position on face can tell if something wrong happens with human body. This information identifies the relationship between spots on face and internal organs as follows:

1. Left side of forehead

It may relate with digestive system, urinary system, urinary bladder, and adrenal gland. This acne occurs when you get stress or your face is not cleaned thouroughly.

2. Between both eyebrows

It may relate with liver, problem with Lactose digestion. This acne occurs when you eat strong flavored food or have late night meal.

3. Right side of forehead

It may relate with digestive organs, stomach, and adrenal gland. This acne is caused from stress or bacteria on dirty face.

4. On ears

You may have a problem with kidney. Or it may be caused by shampoo or soap. Using cellphone for a long time or consuming too much coffee, alcohol, or meat can also cause acne on ears.

5. Both sides of cheeks

Acne on higher area of cheeks may relate to sinus and lung while the lower area may relate to gum and teeth. This kind of acne can be caused by smoking, allergy, chronic flu, or bad-quality foundation. Deep wrinkles around cheekbone can identify lung or respiratory problem.

6. Around eye areas

Problem with kidney or allergy can be identified by this position. This acne is caused by cosmetics, eyeglasses, high residue in body, less relaxation, or malnutrition.

7. On nose or above lip

It may relate to heart problem and Genito-urinary system. Red pimple occurring on nose can identify hypertension, impact from hormones, or menstruation period.

8. On left or right area below lip

Problems with Ovary can be identified. Hormone balance and menstruation period can cause this acne.

9. On tip of chin

It may relate to stomach and small intestine caused by strong flavored food.

10. On neck and chest

Stress can cause this kind of acne.

Kuroo is a beauty lover, Phd. Student, and a webmaster. Interesting on beauty chemical products, the experiment on beauty products, and the scientific way on beauty treatment,having search for the beauty tips and beauty treatment, head to toe. Find other articles on beauty treatment, head to toe on http://www.acnezeed.com, you will find a new knowledge on beauty.

SUCK UK Glow JarMoon Jar

Thu, 08 May 2008 13:25:07 EDT
Another great idea by Tobias Wong, this jar stores the moon light. ... This is a wonderful effect and the sandblasted glass makes it glow in an eerie shade of blue....

Slippery Slope - Chapter 24/?

Sat, 19 Jan 2008 10:57:00 EDT
Title: Slippery SlopeChapter: Chapter 24Author: RocketbalmPairing: OB/VMRating: Over all – NC-

SUCK UK Glow Jar NewsSUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights

It's true.
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SUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights

Hemp Moisturisers

Eating the right combination of food items is an integral part of a natural acne treatment regimen. Nutritionists suggest that you eat fruit by itself without mixing them with other food types, and particularly not following a heavy meal. Vegetables should be cooked or eaten either with oil or meat, but not combined with both in one go. Salad is perfectly acceptable to be combined with all different kinds of vegetables. Finally, starches (bread, pasta, potatoes etc.) should not be eaten together with meats.

Other Harmful Food Substances
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Hemp Moisturisers

Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g

The quality of the results of these comparative studies does not leave much to the imagination. They are based on agricultural production numbers and state nothing about the fat consumption of individual persons.

Besides societies differ, where there is little fat eaten as in traditional Japanese rural regions or in Africa as compared to our prosperous western societies that it is impossible to link back the different diseases such as breast cancer to only a meal or to an individual material like fat.
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Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g

