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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not just A blog about SUCK UK Glow Jar

SUCK UK Glow JarDiagnostic Acne: How It Is Good for Your Health

There have been a lot of comprehensive discussions of acne for a very long time, particularly about the solution. Acne does not only affect people?s appearance but it also has social impact.
Acne has been considered as an undesired symptom which needs urgent treatment. Medical researchers are working on new drugs to treat acne, particularly topical antibiotics to replace some of those in current use. As with many other types of bacterial infections, doctors are finding that, over time, the bacteria that are associated with acne are becoming resistant to treatment with certain antibiotics, though it is not clear how significant a problem this resistance represents.
The fact is, people with acne generally hate the way they look with acne. But many people don't know that it is not just a skin problem anymore. Leonard Darke Institute claims that positions of acne on face can tell you whether there is anything wrong with any part of your internal organs.

The institute researchers analyzed the western-style facial care and treatment with Chinese physiognomy and concluded that acne occurring on each position on face can tell if something wrong happens with human body. This information identifies the relationship between spots on face and internal organs as follows:

1. Left side of forehead

It may relate with digestive system, urinary system, urinary bladder, and adrenal gland. This acne occurs when you get stress or your face is not cleaned thouroughly.

2. Between both eyebrows

It may relate with liver, problem with Lactose digestion. This acne occurs when you eat strong flavored food or have late night meal.

3. Right side of forehead

It may relate with digestive organs, stomach, and adrenal gland. This acne is caused from stress or bacteria on dirty face.

4. On ears

You may have a problem with kidney. Or it may be caused by shampoo or soap. Using cellphone for a long time or consuming too much coffee, alcohol, or meat can also cause acne on ears.

5. Both sides of cheeks

Acne on higher area of cheeks may relate to sinus and lung while the lower area may relate to gum and teeth. This kind of acne can be caused by smoking, allergy, chronic flu, or bad-quality foundation. Deep wrinkles around cheekbone can identify lung or respiratory problem.

6. Around eye areas

Problem with kidney or allergy can be identified by this position. This acne is caused by cosmetics, eyeglasses, high residue in body, less relaxation, or malnutrition.

7. On nose or above lip

It may relate to heart problem and Genito-urinary system. Red pimple occurring on nose can identify hypertension, impact from hormones, or menstruation period.

8. On left or right area below lip

Problems with Ovary can be identified. Hormone balance and menstruation period can cause this acne.

9. On tip of chin

It may relate to stomach and small intestine caused by strong flavored food.

10. On neck and chest

Stress can cause this kind of acne.

Kuroo is a beauty lover, Phd. Student, and a webmaster. Interesting on beauty chemical products, the experiment on beauty products, and the scientific way on beauty treatment,having search for the beauty tips and beauty treatment, head to toe. Find other articles on beauty treatment, head to toe on http://www.acnezeed.com, you will find a new knowledge on beauty.

SUCK UK Glow JarMoon Jar

Thu, 08 May 2008 13:25:07 EDT
Another great idea by Tobias Wong, this jar stores the moon light. ... This is a wonderful effect and the sandblasted glass makes it glow in an eerie shade of blue....

Slippery Slope - Chapter 24/?

Sat, 19 Jan 2008 10:57:00 EDT
Title: Slippery SlopeChapter: Chapter 24Author: RocketbalmPairing: OB/VMRating: Over all – NC-

SUCK UK Glow Jar NewsSUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights

It's true.
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SUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights

Hemp Moisturisers

Eating the right combination of food items is an integral part of a natural acne treatment regimen. Nutritionists suggest that you eat fruit by itself without mixing them with other food types, and particularly not following a heavy meal. Vegetables should be cooked or eaten either with oil or meat, but not combined with both in one go. Salad is perfectly acceptable to be combined with all different kinds of vegetables. Finally, starches (bread, pasta, potatoes etc.) should not be eaten together with meats.

Other Harmful Food Substances
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Hemp Moisturisers

Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g

The quality of the results of these comparative studies does not leave much to the imagination. They are based on agricultural production numbers and state nothing about the fat consumption of individual persons.

Besides societies differ, where there is little fat eaten as in traditional Japanese rural regions or in Africa as compared to our prosperous western societies that it is impossible to link back the different diseases such as breast cancer to only a meal or to an individual material like fat.
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Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g




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