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Monday, March 10, 2008

Dead Sea Spa Information

Israel Business Today - Belgians invest in Dead Sea spa.

Fri, 02 Jun 1995 07:00:00 GMT
June 2, 1995 -- A group of Jewish businesspeople from Belgium, in partnership with a Ranaana building company, is planning to invest in the construction of a...

Pampering packages for all palates - Travel & Tourism News Middle East

Sat, 08 Mar 2008 21:08:04 GMT

Pampering packages for all palates
Travel & Tourism News Middle East, Bahrain - Mar 8, 2008
ZARA Spa at the Mِvenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea in Jordan is promoting a two hour long mother's day package for March which includes a sweet and savory ...
Kempinski’s slice of paradise Travel & Tourism News Middle East
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Natural HealingAre Diet Pills the Answer to Weight Loss?

Weight loss programs have been around for decades. It is predicted that almost fifty million Americans will start some type of weight loss program every year. Out of the fifty million, only five percent will actually keep the weight off. The high rate of failure is because most weight loss programs are not designed to work long term.

When the weight loss program is done, as most the dieter is usually left on their own. They are at a loss how to keep the weight off.Because the dieter did not refocus their eating habits, the weight returns. Weight loss specialists and doctors agree that to be successful at losing weight and keeping it off, you have to develop healthy eating habits and develop and exercise routine.

Before choosing a weight loss program, consult a doctor or nutritionist to rule out any hidden or underlying problem. Because each person is different, every weight loss program should be tailored to fit the individual?s lifestyle. Set realistic goals for yourself. Weight loss programs that are designed for general public and typically fail long-term.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services? Weight Control Network has stated that in order for a weight loss program to be considered safe and effective, it should be based on regular physical activity and a diet plan that is balanced, healthy and easy to follow.A person following such a plan will have more of chance of succeeding.

Weight loss programs that depend on point systems, color-coding and prepackaged food will work for a short time. These types of programs are based on a diet of no more than 1,500 calories per day.

A person who is dieting needs to know what their caloric intake should be. A person who needs to loose three hundred pounds has a different caloric intake than a person who needs to lose 50 pounds. It is impossible for the two to have the same caloric intake, and the person who needs to lose three hundred pounds is being set up for failure.The caloric intake is just not enough, leaving the person very hungry.If the person has very little self-control, they are doomed.When you choose to try a commercial weight loss program, design a plan with a nutritionist. Always consult your health care professional first. If you decide to try one of the many popular weight loss programs, be very cautious there are a lot of fraudulent people out there. Stay away from weightloss programs that promise unrealistic results. They are almost always a scam.

As with any weight loss program, find out what the success rate is. If the weight loss plan is that good, it has to have some kind of reviews. Ask health care professionals and gym officials if they have heard of the program and ask questions to people that have tried the weight loss program you are interested in. The more knowledge that you have, the better the chances of your success. For a wide selection of weight loss products and other nutrition product to help you in your goals of having a healthy lifesytle visit website listed below.


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Dead Sea Spa NewsNatural Organic Noni Juice

Out of the twelve houses in the usual astrology, five are more significant that the others:

First house -- the physical body,
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Natural Organic Noni Juice

BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs

Teen weight loss is a challenge, but not an impossibility. Losing weight as an adolescent may require a lifestyle change, but doing so will lead to a longer, happier life. Developing a healthy lifestyle as a teenager can only mean a healthy lifestyle as an adult.
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BioBulbs - Daylight Bulbs

Bone Health

At urban recreational facilities, suburbia's fancy-health clubs, and at local YW/YMCAs, the trend toward working out with the various types of sophisticated muscle-building equipment, performing aerobics or calisthenics and stretching exercises has risen in the last few years.
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Bone Health

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Damiana Herb
Nutritional Supplements For Our Dogs?


Nutritional Supplements For Our Dogs?

Submitted By: Michael Rupkalvis

In a recent survey of about 100,000 people, the majority of dog and cat owners stated that they thought their pets were in very good health. But when veterinarians are asked the same question, most believe that pet disease is very widespread.

Whom should we believe?

Let?s look at some relevant statistics. 25% to 40% of puppies die before weaning. 60% of dogs who are older than six years of age will get cancer. 70% of senior dogs suffer from joint disease. And obesity is the number one health problem facing our canine population.

The primary cause of these widespread health problems is the food we feed our dogs. As with humans, processed foods can be very detrimental to a dog?s physical well-being ? and the vast majority of our dogs receive a diet of highly processed foods throughout their lives. So they become chronically undernourished.

Dogs are carnivores. In fact, puppies do best with a diet consisting of 42% protein. But the protein they receive in today?s packaged foods is usually derived from cereal grains and from poor quality meats. What they really need, being carnivores, is a high level of meat proteins rich in essential amino acids, the building blocks for all of the body?s cells. Instead they survive on processed cereal grain proteins, are undernourished and often overfed, leading to obesity.

So if dog owners can?t purchase the optimal dog foods in their local supermarkets or pet stores, what are they to do?

Dr. Bill Barnet is a leading doctor of veterinary medicine who has been studying for the past 25 years the problem of pet nutrition and how to ensure our pets lead long and healthy lives. As a result of his research, he became convinced that dogs needed to have made available to them nutritional supplements (even more so than we humans do). So he focused on developing a dog nutritional supplement that owners could add to their pet?s daily meals.

Dr. Barnet recently introduced to the pet food market the results of his many years of research and product development. He calls it Hope for Pets ? a powder that one sprinkles over the dog?s meals twice daily. Hope for Pets contains 16 separate sources of the vital proteins dogs require (including five amino acids which can have many benefits, including acting as antioxidants to enhance the dog?s immune system). He purposefully created it in a highly concentrated, low calorie form. It also contains APG-36 (which helps fight viruses, molds and harmful bacteria), glycomerine (to fight against joint pain), essential fatty acids and many other powerful vitamins and minerals. He has combined these various ingredients in a concentrated, synergistic manner to achieve a well-balanced highly beneficial nutritional supplement.

Hope for Pets can be used by pets of all ages, even from birth. Dr. Barnet believes that it can help our dogs lead much healthier lives and that it can help to extend their life expectancies, so dog owners can enjoy their pets for years to come. It also helps to promote a healthy skin and coat and aids in the dog?s ability to digest the nutrients in its regular food. Dr. Barnet will be releasing a similar product for our feline population in the near future.

Article Tags: dog, dogs, pets

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A book written by Daniel Anderson, Ph.D. informs us that of all the healthcare problems in the United States, nearly 80 percent relate to chronic illness or disability. We are many in number. We come in every age, shape, size and color, and from every ethnic group and socioeconomic background. The medical community is well equipped to manage our acute episodes; however, it is not well equipped to give us the kind of support we really need to lead fully functional lives.

I have written a book titled: �Acquired Hope: A Journey of Advanced Recovery and Empowerment.� This book is intended for anyone who is coping with an illness, addictive disease, disability or injury-related condition. How we choose to deal and cope with our pain and struggles is largely up to us. Unfortunately, most often our response to coping with the disease causes just as much stress and emotional pain as the disease or condition itself. We tend to focus on the fear, frustration, pain, fatigue, anger, limitations and even guilt. These are all negative emotions. This focusing on negative emotions may limit us even more and further diminish our quality of life. However, we have the ability to change that. We can learn to change the way we think. We can learn to guide our thoughts and emotions, so that we experience only positive emotions such as joy, happiness and hope. By acquiring this skill, we can stop our physical problems from getting worse and can lead happier, more fulfilling lives. By acquiring hope, we can recover. My book presents a details process on how to advance recovery and obtain high levels of function and life fulfillment. For more information and free resources for creating better health, please read �Acquired Hope�, visit: http://www.acquiredhope.com and please visit the Secret to Getting Rich website at: http://www.inspirednhopeful.theSGRprogram.com for opportunities on creating income to allow time and energy to focus on better health.
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