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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Did you hear of Holistic Remedies

Steps to getting Sex using the Internet � For the Single Guy

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:35:23 EST
The Internet has totally revolutionized the business of finding intimate encounters (and I don�t mean the paid kind). Guys no longer have to wait till the Friday night to hit on hot women at the bar....

Skiing, snowbarding during the night is often more convenient - Stamford Advocate

Sun, 11 Jan 2009 12:47:49 GMT

Skiing, snowbarding during the night is often more convenient
Stamford Advocate, CT - 15 hours ago
Don't worry about seeing at night-lighting conditions are far better at night than under the flat light of a gray January afternoon. ...

Sorry O'Keefe makes light of boozy night - Ninemsn

Sun, 11 Jan 2009 19:18:50 GMT

Sorry O'Keefe makes light of boozy night
Ninemsn, Australia - 8 hours ago
O'Keefe yesterday thanked "K Rudd" for his support, before entering into more light-hearted banter about all the publicity. "And by the way, ...
Andrew O'Keefe laughs off video of his drunken night out NEWS.com.au
all 13 news articles

Night LightFoods That Fight Health Problems ? Part I

Research shows that most people who eat the widest variety of foods are more likely to meet their nutrients requirements and remain healthy than those who get stuck in the food rut. Nutrients work together to keep your heart healthy, your blood pressure normal, your bones strong and your memory sharp. Many of the foods hold key to longer lives, cancer cures or smoother skins. Join me in exploring foods and their benefits that fight host of diseases and health problems.

- Apple - When the first couple of the world i.e. Adam and Eve took their first bite of the apple, they were unaware of its goodness. Eating an apple a day keeps stroke at bay. Apple lowers the risk of embolic stroke caused by a tiny blood clot blocking an artery in the brain. The apple skin is choc a bloc with quercetin that fights heart diseases by preventing cholesterol. The quercetin also fights cancer by deactivating carcinogens. Apples are loaded with fiber. The soluble fiber lowers cholesterol. Insoluble fibers keep your bowels in good working order. The pectin in insoluble fiber calms diarrhea and helps the diabetics to keep their blood sugar under control. So go ahead indulge your self.

- Apricots ? Lovely looking yellow - orange coloured fruit, Apricots find a mention as the one of the top 10 beta carotene sources. Beta carotene is converted to Vitamin A by the body. Beta carotene and carotenoids work together to stave off illness. If you?re bothered by itchy yeast infection, feast on some apricots. The beta carotene bolsters your immune system to ward of the infection. Beta carotene and its cousin?s carotenoids fight cancer. The beta carotene gobbles up free radical substances that cause cell damage. Lycopene captures the growth of tumor cells and other carotenoids break down cancer causing carcinogens. Beta carotene rich diet reduces the risk the recurrence of breast cancer. Not just cancer, beta carotene in apricots fights heart disease too. Beta carotene and Lycopene fight a process that makes bad low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. The dried variety of apricots is potassium storehouse helping to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

- Artichokes ? This funny looking vegetable is packed with amazing health benefits. Firstly they help to keep blood supply flowing freely to the heart. Secondly, one medium sized artichoke provides 15% of daily folate requirement. Folate or vitamin B helps control blood levels of homocysteine that triggers a heart attack. Thirdly, it is packed with cynarin that lowers cholesterol production. Cynarin benefits the skin too. It helps protect collagen, the connective tissue for holding the cells together against skin damage. For digestive difficulties, artichoke stimulates production of bile that is an emulsifier in aiding fat digestion.

- Asparagus ? Is the king of vegetables in providing folate, vitamin B in simple words that plays an important role in preventing heart attacks. Folate and folic acid are important in preventing certain birth defects. A good source of vitamin C that helps to your keep your immune system fighting. Asparagus battles birth defects and heart disease and bolsters immune function.

- Avocado ? One of the few fruits that is high in fat i.e. healthy fat. 80% of fat in avocado offers health benefits that may help prevent cancer, heart disease, dry hair and high cholesterol. Avocados have beta sitosterol that is a plant compound inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol from your intestines to maintain a low level in your blood. They are loaded with glutathione, a plant compound that neutralizes free radicals that cause cell damage. Glutathione also prevents cancer of the mouth and pharynx as well as heart disease. The unsaturated fat in avocado helps lower your level of low density lipoprotein cholesterol while maintaining high density lipoprotein.

About the Author:

Sharon Hopkins manages Healthy Food and Nutritious Diet related websites. Healthy Food provides vital nutrients that aid our body's metallic function and ensure well being. Read up on foods that fights of host of diseases and other health problems.

Night Light ReviewsWheatgrass Tablets

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