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Sunday, September 14, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Natural Healing

Natural HealingLearn About Diet Nutritional Supplements - The Best Diet Nutritional Supplements

Diet nutritional supplements, or dietary supplements, are formulated to provide nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids to individuals who are not consuming the sufficient daily requirements that constitute a well-balanced diet. Technically, dietary supplements also include herbal supplements, which claim to aid in the prevention or treatment of certain conditions and diseases.

Diet nutritional supplements are intended for ingestion in capsule, pill, tablet, liquid, or powder form. They are clearly labeled as ?dietary supplements,? and, by law, should not be represented as conventional food. It is not intended for supplanting a proper meal, or be made as a sole item of a diet. In the US, diet nutritional supplements are defined under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 to contain one or more of the following ingredients:

1. Vitamins

Vitamins are the most common diet nutritional supplements; they are required by the body for essential metabolic reactions. Different vitamins have different uses and can have multiple reactions and functions. There are thirteen human vitamins divided into two groups: the nine water-soluble vitamins (eight B vitamins and vitamin C) and the four fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).

2. Minerals

Minerals can be naturally occurring in food or come in the form of diet nutritional supplements. They are chemical elements that are required by the body to maintain physical health. They can either be trace minerals (required in very small amounts) or bulk minerals (required in larger amounts). Human bulk minerals include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulfur. Human trace minerals include chromium, cobalt, copper, fluorine, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc. Excessive dietary mineral intake may lead to illness.

3. Amino acids

The body needs 10 of the 20 standard proteinogenic amino acids (and thus called essential amino acids). These include: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, arginine, and histidine. Arginine and histidine are essential only in some cases.

4. Herbs or botanicals

Herbs or botanicals that have not yet been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration are marketed as diet nutritional supplements if they claim to improve health, shape the body, improve immunity, improve vision, improve mental acuity, boost energy, or help prevent diseases.

Very important reminder

Make sure that the diet nutritional supplements you are buying have no additives or fillers such as starch, sugar, silica, gluten, and artificial colors or flavors. It is best to buy only from a GMP-compliant manufacturer that has passed very stringent manufacturing standards.

The product we personally use called Total Balance - http://www.health-product-we-use.com is the most natural and effective supplement we have come across. We have been using this product for over 3 years with excellent health results.

We highly recommend you learn more about our best natural nutritional supplement if you are interested in improving your overall health.

Jean Helmet runs a series of health websites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on our nutrition book.

Carob Pods DiscussionSupplements

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Manuka Honey

Fitness and Exercise Guide And Advice

According to few insulin levels play the largest role in losing weight. Other experts determine that our body type is the key to finding the proper exercises and diet plans that work with the body. To find out your body type you will need to talk to your doctor, or else visit the World Wide Net to find answers to your questions. Other details are available over the Internet that can help you decide on which diet is best for you, as well as which exercises works best with your body.
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Manuka Honey


Stevia Leaf Extract Reviews and information

Stevia Leaf Extract TopicsWheatgrass Sprouters

The most familiar of symptoms for vertigo is headaches, backaches, dizziness, imbalance in some cases and falling in older patients and those with neurological disorders. These exact same symptoms are also very common amongst central nervous system disorders and cardiovascular diseases, therefore caution should be taken when trying to distinguish between one from the other. Usually what doctors do is refer to a patient�s medical history before coming up with a conclusion.

There are several ways by which one can treat vertigo. One of the best and most common and highly recommended is the patient performs exercises known as modified Epley procedure. Some medications are also present to help with the treatment of vertigo and the nausea which usually follows. Medications are typically various combinations of acetylcholine, dopamine, and histamine receptor antagonism, however not all medications are suitable for vertigo as there are different levels.

The problem with vertigo is that most people do not seem to be aware of it and ignore it. This is not a condition that should be ignored and if you suspect of a different than normal dizziness, then you should report this to your doctor. Just make sure you can know the difference between vertigo and non vertigo. Vertigo can be described as a feeling of revolving movement of yourself and the environment. Non vertigo includes unsteadiness, motion sickness, unevenness, suspended, or an oriented consciousness. This should be helpful to a doctor and get ready to describe how you feel without using the word dizzy.
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Wheatgrass Sprouters

P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping

In today�s society, everyone is struggling to be perfect. The perfect smile, the perfect skin, and the perfect body. Liposuction is a medical procedure that can sculpt the body into a more aesthetic shape. However, it is an extremely expensive procedure and can have a number of side effects.
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P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping

Superfood Range Trade Enquiries

Be honest about what each of you is really saying in your preferences. You�ll find that certain experiences you�re seeking for your children reflect solid values while others reflect values that are questionable. Some of your values may promote healthy behavior and choices while others may simply reflect your desire not to be controlled or your need to defend the way you were brought up.
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Superfood Range Trade Enquiries

Sugar Alternative

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It is extracted from the stevia herb, native to the South American rain forest. Its leaf tastes like honeysuckle....

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January 1, 2005 -- There are 18.2 million people in the United States, or 6.3 percent of the population, who have diabetes, according to the American Diabetes...

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Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:22:12 GMT
In the race to put an all-natural, zero-calorie soft drink on the market, Seattle-based Zevia has beaten the beverage giants. Zevia, which comes in four flavors, is sweetened with stevia, a rain forest plant.

Focus - Colas look for healthy lift - just-drinks.com (subscription)

Thu, 11 Sep 2008 14:39:23 GMT

Focus - Colas look for healthy lift
just-drinks.com (subscription), UK - Sep 11, 2008
Virgil's cola is sweetened with all-natural sweeteners stevia and xylitol. Another new launch is Health Cola. Retracing its pharmacy roots, the drugstore ...

HealthThe Cleansing and Weight Loss Benefits of a High Fiber Diet

In addition to its beneficial role in disease prevention and healthy weight management, fiber also helps support the body?s natural cleansing and detoxification processes. Many experts recommend eating between 25 to 35 grams or even more of fiber each day to maintain your health, so it is important to understand the two specific types of fiber and how they work.

Both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber help purge unwanted toxins from the body. Soluble fiber (found in fruit, beans, oats, legumes and nuts) dissolves in water and leaves the digestive tract slowly. As it moves through the intestines it works like a sponge, soaking up toxins and capturing them in order to prevent their reabsorption into the bloodstream.

Insoluble fiber (found in wheat bran, dried beans, whole grains and seeds) is not water-soluble; it passes through the digestive tract virtually intact. During its journey through the intestines it helps to ?sweep? the colon free of debris by removing toxins from the intestinal wall. It also tones the bowel muscles by creating resistance and giving them something to push against, thus promoting peristalsis (the wave-like motions that move food through your intestines). Peristalsis is necessary for healthy elimination, and healthy elimination is an important step in ridding toxins from the body. But just how do those toxins enter in the first place?

The buildup of toxins in your body is the result of both external and internal toxins. External toxins such as pesticides and pollutants come from our surrounding environment. They seep into the earth, water and air and can cause severe health problems. Internal toxins, however, come from within. They are the waste products that result from everyday physiological processes such as energy production and digestion. Since many people do not digest protein, starches and fats efficiently, they overproduce internal toxins. The body absorbs both the internal and external toxins and circulates both to the liver. Along the way they can be deposited in the organs and tissues, which can cause inflammation and lead to poor health.

Because fiber is a powerful ally in your battle against toxins?absorbing the toxins that come from the liver and gallbladder to the gut (as well as cholesterol, estrogen and old red blood cells)?it is essential to get plenty of fiber in your diet. Consuming a ratio of about 65% insoluble fiber to 35% soluble fiber is ideal, as it reflects the natural balance found in whole foods. The best way to provide a balance of soluble and insoluble fiber is to eat a variety of fiber-rich foods. Legumes and unrefined grains such as oats, brown rice and whole wheat are excellent sources of mixed fibers. Among fruits, apples, avocados, oranges, bananas, grapefruit and berries provide the most fiber per serving, and high-fiber vegetables include spinach, endive, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower.

Brenda Watson N.D., is among the foremost authorities in America today on natural digestive care and proper nutrition. She is the president of ReNew Life Formulas and the founder of five natural healthcare clinics specializing in internal cleansing, detoxification and free weight loss advice. A renowned lecturer, media presence and best-selling author, her books include ReNew Your Life: Improved Digestion and Detoxification, and Gut Solutions: Natural Solutions to Your Digestive Problems.

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