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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Stevia Extract for health

Natural RemedySmall Diet Pills Kill Huge Obesity

You don't require any diet pills in two conditions, firstly you are not suffering from obesity and secondly despite of being an obese you have a great will power to curb that enormous urge for food. Otherwise diet pills become almost compulsory when you want to get rid of obesity. There are various diet pills; working method of every diet pill is different. Some of them are allopathic drugs like xenical, Phentermine, Acomplia, Reductil and others are herbal medicines like Hoodia & herbal Phentermine.

Allopathic diet pills give quick and sure results. These diet pills primarily work on nervous system and try to balance the urge for food. Like, acomplia is a diet pill which inhibits the working of CB-1 receptors. These CB-1 receptors are the nerve cells which transmit hunger signal to the brain. No hunger signal means no urge for food, even if you have delicious food placed in front of you. The other drug Reductil on the other hand increases the level of serotonin in the body. Serotonin is an emotion pacifying chemical generated naturally in the body. Increased quantity of serotonin ensures that you will be satisfied with small quantity of food. Phentermine also works with the similar mechanism by increasing level of serotonin but chemicals used for this purpose are different. Anti-obesity drug Xenical works with a completely different strategy. Xenical blocks action of enzymes which digests fats in our body so you do not get calories from fats. You may know 1gm fat gives 9 calories while similar amount of carbohydrate provides only 4 calories.

All these diets pills are oral prescription drugs with high efficacy. There are some mild side effects associated with each of them. These side effects can be dizziness, dry mouth, anxiety, irritation, oily spot, stomach disorder, muscular cramp etc. These problems persist only for a very short duration; irregularities generally disappear with in days. The main reason of these problems is resistance of body against any foreign material. Doctor's advice for consuming these drugs is essential because only a regular medical practitioner can tell you which drug will suit you better.

There are many people who are generally hesitant of using allopathic medicine because of side effects caused by these drugs. For all such obese herbal weight lost drugs like herbal Phentermine and Hoodia suit better. Herbal Phentermine is the herbal form of regular Phentermine which produce no side effects. Herbal Phentermine burns extra calories by increasing the rate of metabolic reactions. This process is known as thermogenesis. Hoodia is another herbal diet drug comes in the form of pills, capsules, and health drink. This generates sensation stomach full of food by sending signal of enough glucose in the blood to the brain. Till its effect over the body, you don't feel hungry.

Obese suffering from diseases other than obesity, breast feeding mother, pregnant ladies, women planning to conceive must consult a doctor before taking diet pills.

Proper use of diet pills can do that for you which you have never dreamt of. Even your mirror will envy your great look. Online order is a better way of purchasing diet pill as you get it on competitive rates at your door steps.

About the Author

Clarence Carter received training as a healthcare scientist. She has been working in the same field and writes informative articles, weight loss being her pet subject. To find diet pills, acomplia, obesity, xenical, cheap xenical, Reductil, reductil online, phentermine, adipex, didrex, tenuate, phendimetrazine, bontril, weight loss pills visit href="http://www.weight-loss-drug.co.uk">http://www.weight-loss-drug.co.uk

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