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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Did you hear of Holistic Remedy

Holistic RemedyHeart Disease And Carbohydrates

High sugar intake leads to dysfunctions everywhere especially the Heart!

The real problem in America is not chronic low blood sugar but the opposite, chronic high blood sugar. This constant elevation of glucose streaming through our system has major toxic implications, just ask any diabetic. Blindness, peripheral neurological dysfunctions and ulcerations are all causes of chronic high blood glucose. These are usually problems diabetics worry about on a constant basis. So, what about the non-diabetic that is constantly eating refined sugars that keep insulin and glucose working overtime?

It has been stated that high intakes of refined sugar is directly linked to coronary artery dysfunctions (heart disease). It has been shown that cultures that consume low levels of sugar and high levels of fats and cholesterol actually have lower levels of coronary artery dysfunctions but once refined sugar becomes a staple of these cultures daily diet coronary artery dysfunction becomes prevalent and cholesterol is made out to be the bad guy. Over indulging in sugars will lead an increase production of cholesterol by the liver. Sugar will also use or destroy the main constituent of arteries, which as stated before leads to cracking and filling by the increased production of cholesterol.

When was the last time you ever heard that sugar intake is the main reason for arterial dysfunction? In fact even in the 21st century we are still being bombarded with the incomplete facts. On a daily basis we are being told that hamburgers, steaks and eggs are the cause of coronary artery dysfunction and that drugs that block the production of cholesterol is the answer. Yet in 1977, nearly 30 years ago, Dr. George V Mann of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, published an article stating the opposite. In the New England Journal of Medicine Mann is quoted as writing:

?Foundations, scientists, and the media, both lay and scientific, have promoted low fat, low cholesterol, polyunsaturated diets, and yet the epidemic continues unabated, cholesteremia in the population is unchanged, and clinicians are unconvinced of efficacy?And yet the oil and spread industry advertise its products with claims and promises that make these foods seem like drugs. The vibrant certainty of scientist claiming to be authorities on these matters is disturbing.?

This should be of great concern for every reader. Research professionals have touted this information for three decades! The number one killer of Americans is coronary artery dysfunction (heart disease) and our children are becoming obese at an alarming rate. Both of these are linked to over consumption of refined sugars and are both preventable. Our culture is choosing this unhealthy state of living. In the chapter, Putting it all together, I give examples of foods to eat. All you have to do is make the choice.

Dr. Brandon DiNovi received his Doctoral degree from Logan College of Chiropractic and a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and Wellness at Bastyr University. He received a second bachelor's degree, in Biology, from Logan College.

While attending Bastyr University Dr. DiNovi focused on advanced nutritional therapies and biomechanics. Dr. DiNovi secured an internship position with HealthSouth working with their physical therapy department.

Dr. DiNovi is currently in private practice in Edmonds Washington at the DiNovi Wellness Clinic. He specializes in preventive manual medicine and techniques that will keep the body working at its optimum level. His practice includes counseling on the benefits of proper nutrition which combined with proper alignment of the body not only prevents dysfunctions but also provides optimal health.

To order "Nutrition for a Wellness Lifestyle" by Dr. Brandon DiNovi Visit http://www.DiNoviWellness.com

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