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Saturday, September 06, 2008

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Natural RemedyA Successful Weight Loss Diet For Seniors

Most weight loss programs seem to be geared towards younger people with their added emphasis on physical exercise such as workouts. But the older generation may also need to lose weight too. As old age approaches, flexibility in the joints suffers and there is less energy and stamina. This can make it more difficult to move around, so losing weight for seniors is important because the less surplus weight being carried the better, not only for the older person, but also for anyone having to care for them. That is why the Nigel Lawson Diet is valuable for seniors.

Nigel Lawson was a leading UK politician in the early 1990s, accustomed to business lunches, dinners, fine wines and whiskey. On leaving office he weighed 238 lbs. He relates how embarrassed he was during a skiing holiday with the family; when he fell over he was unable to get up without help. Around this time he also discovered he had arthritis in his knee, so with the aid of his wife, he went on a diet and lost 70 lbs in 10 months. This is inspiring for seniors because Nigel Lawson was around 60 years old when he achieved this weight loss and the loss has been maintained.

Having set a target weight he wanted to achieve, and being strongly motivated to reach it, Nigel Lawson put together a simple diet. Initially he cut out all alcohol and when he felt the urge to drink, he substituted black coffee or diet cola for the alcohol.

He had a regime of three meals a day with no eating between meals. Fats, dairy produce, butter-based sauces, sugar, fried and starchy food (such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes), were eliminated. What was recommended was fish (but not fried) and other seafoods, meat minus the fat, poultry minus the fat and skin, eggs (not fried) salads, green vegetables and other vegetables except the really starchy ones.

Though the diet seems quite restrictive, following the weight loss, the next step was to move to a maintenance diet which meant he was able to include some red wine and a greater variety in the meals, though after ten months he found that his eating habits had changed, such that he no longer wanted to eat many of the foods he had enjoyed previously.

Some flexibility was built into the diet like using a small amount of olive oil in cooking and as a salad dressing, and including one slice of unbuttered toast with the allowed breakfast eggs. No diet should be too rigid as Nigel Lawson remarked, "What we are talking about here is a diet, not a religion."

Now sadly out of print, the Nigel Lawson Diet Book published in 1996, can still be found occasionally at ebay.co.uk. In addition, Nigel Lawson's wife Therese, published the Nigel Lawson Diet Cookbook in 1998.

The author has a life-long interest in self-knowledge and self-improvement. For more information visit Self-Improvement101.com and claim your FREE e-book of Inspirational Quotes. You are welcome to use this article provided the active link within this signature box is included.




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