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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Wheatgrass Juicers for nutrition

Wheatgrass Juicers TopicsBreast Health

1. Excess vitamin A may be the cause behind your peeling lips. Regardless of whether the source of your vitamin A comes from whole foods or supplements, taking in more than 25,000 I.U. per day might make you want to examine this further.

2. In addition to excessive vitamin A, you may be ingesting excessive Vitamin B12. The result of this is that you develop a cobalt allergy from taking your B12 supplements and develop crusty, swollen lips.
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Thinking of Buying a Juicer?... Here's What to Look For

Sun, 29 Jun 2008 12:08:33 EDT
Must juice everything – It must be able to cope with all kinds of fruit and vegetables including soft fruit and wheatgrass. ... After researching the market, I found that juicers tend to fall into 2 main types:...

Healthy Juicer - Manual Hand Powered Wheatgrass Juicer

Fri, 04 Jul 2008 08:57:25 EDT
Healthy Juicer, the affordable manual wheatgrass juicer Features & SpecificationsThe Healthy Juicer is the easiest, most efficient and most affordable manual w ... Designed to handle leafy greensThere are two types of juicers on the market today....A good portion of it is wasted and just passes through as these juicers do not have any crushing ability. ... The Healthy Juiceris more efficient at juicing wheatgrass....

Juicers: Which is Best for Healing?

Sat, 06 Sep 2008 09:18:01 EDT
Here’s a link where the various types of juicers are compared according to their features. ... We also use it to juice wheatgrass, which almost no other juicer can effectively juice unless it is a wheatgrass juicer only....

Wheatgrass JuicersCan Bee Pollen Cause Headache?

It has been said so many times that bee pollen can possibly be a remedy for headache however, it is not often enough that we ask, can bee pollen cause headache. It is an often-overlooked issue because people assume that if it is a headache cure, it definitely shouldn?t be the case of ?bee pollen cause headache?. However, the facts are that bee pollen headaches is a frequent occurrence in people with bee pollen allergies.

Bee pollen cause headache is not very common although it has been known to happen. The experts attribute this to a common allergy of bee pollen. Some other allergic reactions can include heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, as well as swelling. These are quite severe reactions for bee pollen cause headache and they are very rare. There are very few documented cases of the above said reactions when taking bee pollen therapy.

More likely allergic reactions include experiencing a laxative effect as well as gastro-intestinal problems. These have both been seen as minor allergic reactions as well as being seen as a common response to adding such a rich substance to the body. Bee pollen cause headache is also seen occasionally as a reaction to the nutrient rich food.

The human body today is conditioned for toxins and chemicals that are planted in our food as well as constant pollution from the air. The pollutions in the air come from industrialized areas as well as airplane travel. Our bodies are so accustomed to eating poor nutrient value food, that when we introduce a product such as bee pollen, our bodies seem to react in a way that displays slight discomfort in the stomach as well as light laxative effects. Bee pollen cause headache is one of the symptoms to watch for and immediately seek advice from your medical professional or doctor.

When selecting bee pollen products, be sure that you check with the supplier to inquire about the harvesting, collecting, and storing of the bee pollen. Bee pollen that is of low grade can cause ill effects from the toxins and contaminants known to be found in them. If you are considering bee pollen therapy, be choosy and don?t? just assume that because a product is on a shelf means that it is safe for human consumption.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - http://www.bee-health-product.com

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Laura Hence is one of the editors for a series of nutrition web sites. Check out the reccomended Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen.

Manuka Honey
Psyllium Husks - 500g
Polifloral Mixed Bee Pollen - 250g



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