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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Another blog about Wheatgrass Powder

Reviews of Wheatgrass PowderNaturally Green Blog - Goji Berries

Child Nutrition

Like an adult, every child needs appropriate amounts of calories, proteins, minerals, and vitamins to grow. The new Food Guide Pyramid Guidelines outline the amount of grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and meats or beans people should eat daily. Children between the ages of four and six can usually have serving sizes recommended for adults, while younger children, who have smaller stomachs and lower nutritional needs, need smaller amounts of food. But apart from consuming the right quantity, parents should keep in mind that exposure to a wide variety of healthful foods early in a child's life can set the stage for more variety later. Since children are often reluctant to try new foods and would be happy eating the same foods every day, the role of the parent is that of a guide towards a healthy and nutritional food lifestyle.

First of all, it is important for growing children to get the full range of important nutrients, especially protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin A. Although appetite variations are considered by experts as normal and might increase during times of rapid growth, or diminish during periods of slow growth, the general rule of thumb is that a 3 year old needs not more than 1,300 calories daily, a 10 year old around 2,000 and an adolescent may require as many as 2,800 depending on the height, weight and daily activity level.
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Naturally Green Blog - Goji Berries

Naturally Green Blog - General Health

So just what does organic mean for babies? There was a report done by a working environmental group that showed results including findings of a significant amount of toxic chemicals are found in the blood of new borns.
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Naturally Green Blog - General Health

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