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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Another blog about Hemp Protein Powder

Hemp Protein Powder ReviewsMaca Powder - Organic Peruvian Maca Powder.

To memorize something, you need to learn the art of association, namely linking one piece of information (the thing you want to remember) with another more explicit piece of information (i.e something you already remember), this will enable you to recall the former without any real need of reflection.

It's here that mnemonics come into the picture. Mnemonics are basically a type of memory aid used in order to memorize different pieces of information, a good example of a mnemonic is the thirty days hath September rhyme which is thought in elementary schools all over the U.S. Albeit, mnemonics do not end there, you could for instance link between pieces of information by rhyme, by alliteration or something of that kind.

Do remember that we all learn in different ways so do not force yourself to adapt to a specific way of learning if it does not fit you. The purpose of your studies is for you to learn not to follow a certain way of learning, right? Having that said, I would like to conclude this article with the following words:
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Maca Powder - Organic Peruvian Maca Powder.


Menopause Symptoms And Solutions

You�ve recently noticed some changes in your physical appearance, your level of energy and/or your overall mood. Could it be that these changes are associated with menopause? If you�re a woman approaching middle age, yes, the symptoms you�re experiencing could very well be associated with menopause, even if you�re still having regular periods. You see, as you approach menopause, your hormone levels begin to decline, which can result in many of the symptoms you�re currently experiencing.
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