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Friday, May 23, 2008

Recent information on Golden Linseed

Golden LinseedHow to Keep Those Pesky Oil Paints on Your Palette Wet

Thu, 08 May 2008 16:29:51 EDT
May I also say two other golden benefits of reducing the frequency of this tedious practice is it can save you a lot of money on wasted dried up clumps of paint a ... The anti-oxidant effects of the eugenol delays the drying (oxidation) of the drying oils (linseed, safflower, poppy, walnut) in the paint on the palette. A drop per paint 'nut' is usually added....

How to Keep Those Pesky Oil Paints on Your Palette WET!

Thu, 08 May 2008 17:00:14 EDT
May I also say two other golden benefits of reducing the frequency of this tedious practice is it can save you a lot of money on wasted dried up clumps of paint a ... The anti-oxidant effects of the eugenol delays the drying (oxidation) of the drying oils (linseed, safflower, poppy, walnut) in the paint on the palette. A drop per paint 'nut' is usually added....

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