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Friday, October 10, 2008

Not just A blog about Sodium Bentonite

Health and WellbeingDieting? Want and Desire are Dangerous

This is a very important topic that needs to be addressed. People always talk about wanting this or wanting that. You have a thing in your brain called your Reticular Activating System or RAS for short The RAS's job is to find everything in the "outside world" that exactly matches what you have programmed into your "inside world". Your RAS is kind of like having "Google" in your head. Everything that is in your RAS, your brain will go out and try to find exactly that.

This is a very important topic that needs to be addressed. People always talk about wanting this or wanting that. You have a thing in your brain called your Reticular Activating System or RAS for short The RAS's job is to find everything in the "outside world" that exactly matches what you have programmed into your "inside world". Your RAS is kind of like having "Google" in your head. Everything that is in your RAS, your brain will go out and try to find exactly that.

So if you want something, your RAS will find exactly that, the wanting. You will not actually have the thing you want, you will have the wanting of that thing. Let me say that again. If you want something, the RAS will never get you that thing because then you will not have the wanting anymore, which is programmed into the RAS. So to give you exactly what is on the inside, you will always be wanting it, and not actually having it.

Whether or not you followed the logic, here is what you need to know. If you want something you will never have that thing. You will only have the wanting. So instead of wanting something, you must change the want into a now statement like "I AM". . . followed by what you formerly wanted. For example, lets say you want to lose weight. You will never lose weight because then you would not have the want. So you would change the want to lose weight to something like . . . I AM slim and healthy now.

This is so important I am going to remind you again. If you want something you will only ever be left with exactly that, the wanting. You have to transform your wants into present time "reality" for the non-conscious mind to find and create now your ideal life. Create the world exactly as you want it now in your mind.

The same thing goes for desire. Many people talk about desire being a key ingredient in success in any area of your life. I agree that desire is important, but desire itself will produce no results. Why desire is so effective is because people who have a burning desire usually also consciously put energy into manifesting that desire. People who have a burning desire see the fulfilled desire as if it is already happening now. That is key, consciously putting attention on manifesting the desire and seeing it now. The desire itself will produce only that the desire.


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Adam Kessler is the President of Fitness Planning Consultants, Inc. located in Columbus, Ohio. Their company focuses on teaching people how to safely and permenantly lose weight. He also runs an athlete training facility called Sports Conditioning Specialists. Check out their free report on losing weight at http://fitnessplanning.com.
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