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Thursday, October 02, 2008

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Holistic HealingSafe and Effective Weight Loss Supplements

Supplements that are used for weight loss are commonly known as anorexiants. All of these supplements are considered to be potentially effective and safe when used correctly and properly.

To make weight loss supplements more effective, users usually associate it with a proper programs that include exercise, mental motivation and proper diet.

However, the long term efficiency of there supplements has not yet been established. Their efficiency can produce quick results but they can also diminish overtime.

Many users tend to increase dosage intake. The supplements then end up becoming harmful and dangerous to their overall health.

None of these substances may deal with the underlying cause of an individual suffering with obesity not unless with the proper medication and instructions by a physician.

It is still advised by many health experts that natural method is still the best and healthy way in losing excess weight.

To give you an idea of what supplements are appropriate for losing weight, here are some examples of the most common supplements.

1. Orlistat, more known as Xenical supplements, can help reduce at least 25 percent of the excess weight on obese patients.

They can also show efficiency on long term maintenance in sustaining body weight. It has also the capabilities to reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol from foods.

2. Sibrutamine or Meredia is used to keep brain chemicals such as norepinephrine and serotonin in balance.

Thus, increasing your body metabolism and keeping your body stay active and alive. Medical studies have proven that sibutramine helps effectively in losing weight and maintaining the body weight.

3. Sympathomimetics supplements are usually known to be stress releasing agents.

They are non addictive and are proven to be safer compared to amphetamines that make your blood pressure rise. They can assure weight loss quickly. Other known Sympathomimetics supplements are phentermine, phendimetrazine, mazindol, and diethylpropion.

4. Amphetamines are more common in the past years.

Today, they are no longer prescribed for weight loss. They have side effects to elevate behavioral tendencies and may cause serious addiction and insomnia.

5. Accomplia is one of the latest diet supplement drug just released recently.

It can help an individual to quit smoking and reduce fat by prohibiting the circuitry of the brain that enables an individual to crave for food and other unhealthy habits.

6. The ,Naltrexone or Trexan can block the euphoria of drug dependent users.

It is also being experimented for those people who binge most of the time. The effects are really promising and it has no side effects for people who do not binge. It is only available through injection.

You can also find dietary teas and herbal supplements that may contain laxatives. However, they have side effects that can cause gastrointestinal problems. In cases where it is overused, it may lead to constipation, dehydration and even death.

People should take extra caution when they prefer using ,supplements for losing weight. It is advisable that you consult your physician before using any kind of weight loss supplements.

About the Author

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in
the latest in Dieting. For more information
regarding Weight Loss Supplements please drop by at http://www.loseweightcontrol.com/

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