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Monday, August 25, 2008

Another blog about Natural Supplements

Natural SupplementsAn Overview of The South Beach Diet

The South Beach weight loss plan started becomming very popular in the 1990's, and is considered to be a successor to the Atkins low carb diet. The South Beach Diet is seen by many as being a much healthier approach to controlled carb dieting. It still teaches you to avoid many refined and processed, high carbohydrate foods though, such as breads, pastries, cakes, soda and chocolate.

The South Beach Diet was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston, an American cardiologist. Unlike other diets, this one doesn't label itself as "low fat" or "low carb". Instead it trys to help dieters understand how to eat the best foods for them, from all food groups. And it teaches that weight loss can be successfully achieved by eating both good carbs and good fats.

The diet is broken into three distinct sections, with each having its own particular functions. The first part is the strictest, and is designed both to give a quick start to the weight loss and also to develop the pattern of eating a healthier, more stable diet.

One of the biggest reasons for success on The South Beach Diet is no hunger pains. You're encouraged to eat at least three good meals and two good snacks every day.

Phase one may seem a bit strict to some, because you're trying to severely limit the amount of carbohydrates eaten each day. Thought not as restricted as the Atkins diet is, South Beach generally allows about 30 grams of carbs per day during the first phase. This is done to help jump start your weight loss, and kick the carb cravings most of us have.

Phase two increases the amount of carbs allowed, and adds in more dairy products so it's not considered too restrictive. If you've been following the diet plan properly, this phase will feel like a treat. Phase two is usually kept up for however long is needed to lose your desired amount of weight.

Phase three of course is a lifelong maintenance type of thing. Once you've lost all or most of the weight you needed to, you'll want to slowly increase the amount of carbs - good carbs remember - eaten each day. This has to be done slowly or you'll trigger strong cravings for sweets and other simple carbs, and giving into those cravings will put you right back at the beginning.

In short, the South Beach Diet works extremely well. I highly recommend reading the book though, because it explains many of the medical reasons behind our weight gain, weight loss, and how carbs play a part in the entire scheme of things.

About the Author

© 2006, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Want more weight loss tips, articles and advice? Visit http://www.ScaleTippers.com

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